Video of my band...

by bluesbreaker59 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesbreaker59

    This is me and my band in action, sorry its a bit dark, taken on a friend's digital camera. In case anyone cares to watch:

  • zeroday

    Sorry Dude but I'm sure your band is good but the lighting and sound are horrible...Better luck next time...

  • bluesbreaker59

    Yeah the lighting sucks ass in that place. We're going to try and get some live songs and video up on our myspace here soon.

  • bluesbreaker59

    I think its an issue with Youtube, because when I watch it at home, the lighting is at least a lot better. Sound is roughly the same.

  • purplesofa

    You sound great and very blues~~~~~

    who are your favorite blues artists?

    There is a movie coming out called Honeydrippers with KebMo in it and Gary Clark, Jr also Danny Glover, just thought I would pass that along, I posted a clip of Clark on my guitar thread.

    I Like your sound very much


  • bluesbreaker59

    Well my favorite blues artists, would be: Freddy King, BB King, Otis Rush, Hollywood Fats, Albert Collins, Jimmie Vaughan, Nick Curran, John Lee Hooker, and Howlin Wolf. And thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it. We play primarily blues and 60's soul, then a little 50's rock, and then a couple country songs.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Sounds good to me, Bluesbreaker! Nice groove there . .

    What is that Tele you're playing? What Amp? (yeah, "m a gearhead)

  • bluesbreaker59

    Thanks, yeah that's a Tele that I built. I cloned a 1953 blackguard Telecaster, did everything to vintage spec, except the wiring, I went with modern wiring. The amp was my Victoria 35310 and I was using a Fender Reverb Unit, and may have been using my Fulldrive mosfet too, probably was. I only used the Tele the other night, kinda strange, usually I use my red 335

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