Did They Regulate Giving in Your Congregation?

by WTWizard 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Now that Christmas is coming, the thought of giving is coming up. And, the Tower often made a big deal of being able to give to whoever you wish, not according to a holiday gift list, and whenever.

    However, this is often not true. Where I was, any act of giving would be viewed with envy by the lead hounder. Often, the recipient was a family that wasn't nearly as dogmatic as the other hounders were, and wanted to help me in my personal life instead of just being a God machine. The kids were not materially well off, so I would often come in the Kingdumb Hell with candies, colored pens, calculators, and small toys that they would enjoy. After a few months, the other hounders got together and made a rule that such had to stop.

    Beyond that, I would always have to watch out for Brother Hounder if I wanted to give anything to anyone. Once at a Grand Boasting Session, I saw a family whose kids were not well off (making a big deal out of a crap McDonald's pair of binoculars was the tipoff that those kids were very poor and in need of a little something). I noticed that they liked the toy calculator that I brought, and I went out and bought some for those kids. The lead hounder was not in sight, and did not see any of this (I'm sure he would have had something to say about it).

    Another incident was at the Crapmorial. There was another kid (in a family that was divided and with a mean stepfather who, incidently was not a Witless but was abusive anyway). I made up several tapes of good music (that was not objectionable) and threw in a Walkman of middling quality (a real good one would have been above their ability to use) and a good supply of batteries. This had to be done away from Brother Hounder, since he would have had me give one to one of his nephews or someone who had hounded me to just meet men. Against that day, I went out and bought two crap boxes ($5 each) and some crap tape. On the tape, I put the filthiest rap I could get. When they hound me about that, I would get some crap batteries for the units and give those brats those. Then, when they complain about the rap, I would tell them that this kind of "giving" was no better than the Christmas giving that they so bashed.

    I personally think most of the hounders look at giving good things to others who genuinely deserve it with envy. And then they bash people who give at Christmas time or to charities like the Salvation Army or the Red Cross. To me, that is hypocritical.

  • buffalosrfree

    this is a little off topyic, but they sure try to regulate donations at some halls. I have been to several where they complain there isn't enough $$$ in WWW donation box, and in the lets take care of the local needs box. then they come up with so sum that each family should donate etc. but pls they are donations how can you be behind in donations???? the only one they want you to donate to is the Society and the local cong.

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