What would or did help you heal from the opression?

by snarf 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • snarf

    There is so much pain caused everyday by the WTC and from people being trapped in abusive relationships, as well as children being abused and neglected. What has helped you heal in your path to rediscovery in life? Have you healed or are you just beginning?

    I found that using the Wt terminology really was my first step towards becoming "myself". Their saying "Jehovah knows all and sees all" was the first recognition into realizing I had nothing to prove to a bunch of old men, only God and I knew what was happening. "God is Love" also made me realize that God would not have put me on earth to be oppressesed if he was a god of love, and that he would understand and forgive me for saving myself and my child from the patterns of abuse that have held many people hostage for lifetimes.

    Barnes and Nobles was my sancuary for many years. There, I was an invisible book reader, only being acknowledged when I went for a refill on a sometimes bottomless cup of coffee. I could read books I had always wanted to read, some I NEEDED to read, but I never had to buy them, so the random nosy visitors to my home when I missed a meeting never saw the evidence of other literature I was reading.

    This thread is to help those just beginning the path of discovery and wisdom. Please share your stories so those watching and reading may expand their minds to find help in places never thought of.

    Thank you.

  • Robdar

    My first step to recovery was to realize that I know nothing about God. Neither do a bunch of old men in Brooklyn. When I came to be at ease with my ignorance, I came to be at ease with their's.

    They cannot touch me now because my mind is free. That old saying, "Free your mind and your ass will follow" applies.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I also read a lot, whatever I could get my hands on. I felt very freed when I read "The God Delusion". To be able to entertain the idea of there not being a god at all was a sure sign to me that I was healing.

    I blogged about my journey. Still do. www.tallpenguin.com

    I hooked up with a great therapist who has a lot of experience working with ex-jw's. It has helped me put things into perspective and understand the context for who I have become and where I'm going in my life.

    Most of all, I had the love and support of my brother and a group of "worldly" friends who, although not understanding the dynamic of growing up in a cult, loved me unconditionally and were my cheering section through some very rough spots.

    Every day is still part of the healing process but I find myself gaining more and more distance from it all. As Simon once said, our goal is to become ex-ex-jw's. I'm getting there.

    tall penguin

  • nvrgnbk

    It's been a while, snarf.

    Glad you're back and well and have such an important topic for us to think about.

    Some days I feel I'm close to fully healed.

    Other days I feel like I'm just beginning.

    I'm 100% over Watchtower doctrine.

    But the emotional and psychological effects will no doubt be with me for the rest of my life.

    I guess not giving up is half the battle?

    Peace to you and yours.

  • BrentR

    I got involved with hobbies that allowed me to make non-JW friends. Not going to meetings and field service freed up a whole lot of time to re-capture my life and clear my head. When you leave something bad it does not take very long to move forward and heal.

  • snarf

    I guess this topic popped in my head while on vacation, and just the realization that I would not be where I am today without the tools I used to break free from the old life. I want everyone to experience the peace and joy I feel knowing what I have made it through in my life. There is life out there and happiness, we just need to make that first step. Unfortunately, the first step is always the scariest, and it is even harder when you are raised to believe only one way of life.

    Hopefully this thread will spark some ideas for those out there wanting to make that first scary step.

    Also, for those of you that are stuck and struggeling....I have not turned to Satanism, drugs, drinking, theft, weird sexual things, and God has not turned his back on me. I have been blessed seven times over anything I could have ever desired while living a life of oppression. Stay true to yourself and your values and you will be alright.

  • changeling



    Sunday brunch



    The effects will always be with me, but the won't define me.


  • BrentR

    You say "weird sexual things" like it was bad. That is the best part of life.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Pulling out that ring in my nose that the WTS. had place and kept an open mind, I'll admit I banged into a few walls in this process, but I eventually came out ok

    The thought control that was in place by the WTS. was also removed which lead to thinking for my self in a concisely mature way.

    Now I'm very happy living in the truth

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