Funny old school journal I found

by Bgurltryal 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bgurltryal

    OK...i was going through some boxes yesterday and found Dan (bboyneko)'s school journal that a teacher apparently assigned him when he was 14. As you will read he was not pleased with the assignment. Infer ALOT of sarcasm into these entries:

    'It was a cold and cloudy day. I woke up and went out all day with my family, with those thanksgiving sales and all. My older brother decided to buy a computer. I don't care much for waiting and standing by him talking with the sales guy so i went off and bought me a box of Jelly Bellys. 40 different flavors.

    Day had progressed to night so i went to sleep. then night progressed to morning and I went off and woke up. I watched the Japanese animation fest and called for some pizza pies. Then it was night again so I went to bed.

    Saturday began and i went to my friends house and we copied 'police quest', a very cool computer game, to his computer wich took 2 hours. In the mean while my friend and I played 'Herzog Zwei', a very cool genesis game. When 'police quest' was finally loaded we played until early Sunday morning. Then it was monday and i went to school.'


    My progress in English class. Hmmmmmmm. I really am not sure about my grade because I don't know what my percentage is and won't know until I get my report card. I did pretty good on my tests I think, so that's good. I've done most of my homework, and I endlessly babble on in my journals so that i can write a page on something that isn't interesting enough to write a page on. I don't build thermo-neclear explosives behind the teachers back (unlike some people). I don't bring sperm whales to class either. I never, ever, ever spontaniously combust or implode. So i guess my progress in English class is pretty good, especially since I never perform open-heart surgury on fellow students'


    I liked my performance 1st quater. I am satisfied. I liked the books. I disliked the work because I already understood the book. I liked my grade (B) but i would have liked an 'A'. I will change my grade to an 'A'. I have no idea on how I can fill half a page about an uninteresting subject. I have a suggestion. You should put questions like 'what do you think of predjudise?', or 'What do you think of war?' so that we can actually write and fill a page. Plus there will be more thought and feeling in the journal. Putting questions like 'what do you think of your grade?' or 'how did you do?' are uninteresting and boring. So I think my grade could be higher if instead of so many quizes and tests, we do work that involves thought, not endless vocab or questions.


    Hehehe...and so Bboyneko was born:) He eventually got in trouble with the teacher, who took Dans sarcasm seriously and thought he was out to kill her! I also found a forged excuse note. Baaaaadddd JW!

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