Online Automatic Poetry Generator..........TRY IT!

by nicolaou 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    It's completely CRAP! But hilarious too - I entered the keywords 'faith' and 'religion' and this is what it gave me!!!

    A cute Panda teleports from the dejected religion
    Scoff not at my vile remarks level fiend
    With lightening strokes, the faith shot forward; contemptuosly, rapidly
    Winky, the precise little bank robber smiled with a cherub grin
    "Holy flying prong, Batman" it said keenly
    A kitchen sink or a sympathetic robin is the key
    My testicle seared as Annie Oakley strolled by with her schnozzle held high
    The nurse scolded the zebra, to no avail
    Cry, for the loss has fallen like a leaden rocketship upon you




  • closer2fine

    Here is a poem about me it generated! LOL!

    Slowly Closer2fine finishes upon the hairless sea.
    Listless, helpless, but never neighing
    Swiftly it raced from the front of the crystal jalopy.
    As I grunt in a tree, I startle thee
    She was really really erotic
    Never planned.. . Never more has been belched
    Billowing, fabricating, the woman felt like a dictator.
    The sailor scolded the jackal, to no avail.
    Spare me your tempermental bauble or I shall massacre.


  • openminded


  • bboyneko

    My hairy Balls

    Blank clouds swirled above My Hairy Balls like a flame
    Listless, helpless, but never yelling

    It beat down upon the snail;it looked like a smashed piece of toast.

    It spun out of the tank, a trail of level thistle following.

    Motorcycles are larger than sea cows, likewise a brain is better than nothing.

    A ball of wax or a masculine deer is the key

    Hope for you is not a morning dove, rather a mourning jungle

    Even as it flees, My Hairy Balls turns to see the benzene ring chasing it into the sanctuary

    So deal not with this once thy glorious surfer chick.

  • closer2fine

    bboy - sorry about the blank flame clouds above your balls. Did you get it from the surfer chick? They have medicine for that you know.


  • closer2fine

    This one is for Naeblis (he was watching on the crush thread)shhhhhhhhh!

    Blowing for the exchange briefly done
    A light wind remained past, like the calm before the storm.
    It bites with frigid, elated abandon,
    Figment of his imagination ? Never.. . The excitement was building
    The frenzied swallow sings a ballad, sing the song of sweaty flesh.. . In it make her die
    "Come!" Mony and Mango naked yelling with quite a harsh overtone as a prostitute liberated the trustworthy fool.
    The sight of the smooth clean swallow before her, Mony and Mango naked was abated
    Heads whip back when crushed against anvil-like schollytic lumbard regions
    The zebra exploded in a fit of rage, leaving in its wake a litter of crushed sheets.


  • Xena

    this is cool Nic'...I put in Jehovah Witnesses and liars (I am a little bitter right now since they kicked me out of their forum!)

    Story of Jehovah Witnesses

    "Falsify" whimpered the understanding man, keeper of Jehovah Witnesses
    Where the size of the shovel was all that matters
    A tourist approached briskly from the mottled hills
    Quickly the nimbus was snatched up. Sadism accounts for the facts
    Canoes are larger than giraffes, likewise a flesh is better than nothing
    Frigidness washed over it like a crisp violet
    How easily did the dream come apart, like a man-trap in one's knees
    While the bright sand of the beach lowered into the boat
    Whimpering out in frustration, the cow hit violently

    hhhmmm interesting...very interesting..

  • think41self

    Here's what I got, putting in my name and the word gamble

    Title: "Tracy Does Las Vegas"

    Mahogany clouds swirled above Tracy like a flame.
    A light wind continued past, like a tortoise breaking wind.
    It chews with beer goggled, feminine abandon.
    Crooked smiles were comforted as the heads rolled along the bronze tiled floor.
    "Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!" she said immediately.
    As he gazed into her eyes he observed, "You don't sweat much for being so enthralled!"
    As Mother Earth's heart melted at the sight of the gambler.
    Her scale radiated like Capricorn in the sky.
    The shark exploded in a fit of rage, leaving in its wake a litter of crushed Harley Davidsons.

    sniff, sniff...I think it's beautiful


  • Esmeralda

    *ROFLMAO* leather/combat boots came up with...

    This is my "Ode to my leather combat boots"

    Colorless clouds swirled above the leather like a flame
    Not a shanty ever was known with such envisionability
    With lightning strokes, the combat boots shot foreward;keenly, swiftly
    She spun out of the train, a trail of woolly blade of grass following.
    "Holy flying mushroom cloud, Batman!" she said briskly
    She became many men in a dejected tank.
    The sight of the emerald komono dragon before her, the leather was stiffened
    With doubtful knees and final resolution I can
    So deal not with this once thy glorious professor.

    I'm crying i'm laughing so hard

  • montag

    This one for you Freddie!


    Watching Athena from the crystalline head.
    Scoff not at my vile remarks flowing fiend
    Hearken to thy elbow as salaciousness overcomes thee
    Winky, the precise little lawyer smiled with a cherib grin
    The day wearies, the hunting of snails is fruitless, come to my embrace
    Like Brett, Fredhall flopped in violent circles -- his anguish exposed
    "Duck, you stupid spider!" argued Fredhall' his voice gone
    Listless never, helpless never, but most certainly considering
    What did Fredhall have in his thumb?



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