If you're ever in Vegas...

by exwitless 6 Replies latest social entertainment

  • exwitless

    I attended a medical conference this weekend at the Wynn Hotel in Vegas. On Saturday night, we saw Monty Python's "Spamalot" in the live theater.

    I cannot tell you how hilarious that show was! I laughed literally non-stop for the entire 90 minute show. I had tears rolling down my face I laughed so hard! alt I wish I could see it again.

    So, if you're ever in Vegas, GO SEE SPAMALOT!! You won't regret it.

  • exwitless

    Come on. No one's seen it besides me?

  • nvrgnbk

    Saw it in Manhattan.

    Loved it.

    Better than the movie.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I've been going to Vegas for business or pleasure on my own since '87. I hate Wynn for tearing down the Desert Inn. The Wynn is a big brown turd but I will check out the Show.

  • Jourles

    I bought front row tickets a couple months ago for one of the shows coming up in December here in East Lansing(at MSU). I'm really looking forward to seeing it. Is it really that good?

  • exwitless

    Yes, it is really that good. At least the production in Las Vegas was.

    Wha happened? - I'm sorry the Wynn pooped on your favorite hotel. But really, it's well worth treading through the terd to see the show. (By the way, I liked the Wynn a lot. Very, very nice. I don't think it's a terd.)

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Thanks for the tip exwitless.

    I enjoy going to Vegas, but don't take in a lot of shows when I am there.

    I will check it out for a certainty!


    The Oracle

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