Dear FedEx -- please get a GPS navigator!

by Fatfreek 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fatfreek

    FedEx: Mr. Miller can you please give us some directions to get to your house?

    Me: First, find your way to Locust Bayou.

    FedEx: Where’s that?

    Me: Between Camden and Hampton. Then, turn south at the Church of Christ, take note of your odometer reading, take a right turn at the old pink house -- some 400 yards away -- then proceed to our black mail box with the number in large white characters. Exactly 1 mile away from that church.

    Then, it never fails. On delivery day our phone rings. "Mr. Miller, I’m the FedEx driver and I just left Camden. Where’s Locust Bayou?"

    Me: Don’t you have the directions I gave to someone on the phone the other day?

    FedEx: Oh, these hen-scratchings? We can never interpret her handwriting. Hahaha!

    Hey, these GPS navigators have been around for awhile. I can envision the future -- probably some 50 years from now -- where FedEx will finally have one on each truck. At each delivery in the boonies they will store that location and enter it into their customer database just in case there is a next time.

    This will save the time it now takes some dispatcher, tediously writing down directions from some annoyed customer -- annoyed because it’s the umpteenth time he’s had to recite them over the phone, occupying, of course, his precious time as well. Time totally wasted since the driver can’t ever seem to interpret them when he gets on the road.

    There, I’ve finally vented.

    Len Miller

    Ps: Moments ago, a second dispatcher called and said she needed directions for the driver who will be delivering our package tomorrow. If you’ve been counting, this is the second set I’ve given out today. If things go as I predict, tomorrow will be the third set of directions.

  • lilybird

    That's a pet peeve of mine too when delivery services ask for directions . They are supposed to be a delivery service-they should look it up themselves! When you order pizza, the delivery guy doesn't ask for directions and never gets lost!!

  • Dorktacular

    It's kind of like when you call the bank or cable company or whatever.... and you get the automated system that makes you enter your account number, phone number, last four digits of your social security number, deposit a semen sample in the phone.... etc... and when a human being answers the phone (finally) they ask you for all of that @#$%%^ again! WHY DO I HAVE TO ENTER IT if nobody is paying attention to it? Just answer the phone to begin with and it wouldn't take so long!

  • kwintestal

    10 years ago I was that FedEx driver cruising around the "boonies" looking for little farms and shacks with no numbers on them. I'd get a mailing address of Rural Route #1 and would be expected to know exactly where that is. It was frustrating but I kept a notepad with directions of each new place that I went to so if I ever had to go there again I'd be OK. When I left that route, I passed it on to the guy that took over.

    When I left FedEx, 5 years ago they were still using software in their trucks from the early 80's. They don't spend money on stuff like GPS systems because they need it for less then 1% of their business. They'd rather hassle you and make your shipment late, better yet, get you to pick it up from their depot.


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