Nature's Mighty Wonders.....

by hillary_step 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Should these posters be rewarded, pepper-sprayed or locked in a bathroom with Trevor's armpit for three weeks?


  • journey-on

    I see fullofdoubtnow has over 6,000 posts. I vote she be the one locked in a room with Trevor's armpit.

  • nvrgnbk

    Frankly, I pity the lot of them.

    I think a collection should be made to send them all on a cruise to Hawaii so that they can get some much needed sun and fun.

    Hopefully that cures them of whatever dysfunctions they may be experiencing.

    If not, an additional voyage, this time to the Caribbean, should finalize their treatment.

  • Scully

    Hey, I'm on that list!!

  • Warlock

    fullofdoubtnow IS in Trev's armpit, so that eliminates one.

    nvr needs to come clean and tell us the reason he can post so much is because he is confined to a padded cell.

    It's okay. nvr, I hear voices, too.


  • frankiespeakin


    pepper-sprayed or locked in a bathroom with Trevor's armpit for three weeks?

    Psssssssssst. I got her pssssssssst.

    Come here Trev,, now where's my key to the bathroom?

  • nvrgnbk

    nvr needs to come clean and tell us the reason he can post so much is because he is confined to a padded cell.

    It's okay. nvr, I hear voices, too.

    Typing's a bitch.

  • hillary_step


    Hey, I'm on that list!!

    lol.... Have no fear Scully. Last I heard Trevor's armpit was in close orbit around Saturn hoping to sing a song with Dino. On another planetary matter. I once new a road called Uranus drive. It was always amusing when you asked people where they lived and they would say, "Up Uranus", to which I would reply, "Not bloody likely" at which point I would pepper-spray them. Question. Under Texan law, did they invade my private space allowing me the legal ability to spray them? HS

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