Needed - Pedophilia Settlement info.......

by oneairhead 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • oneairhead

    Hey folks, can any of you provide me with links to legitimate news sources that have estimated the pedophilia payout amount. I think it was around $13-14 million. I have a JW friend who didn't know about it and wanted to provide him some reading home work. I already have the fox news article but it did not have an estimate as to what the payout was. He will not read anything from "apostate" websites. Thank you in advance.


  • deaconbluez

    There isn't any.

  • Gozz

    Did you get the JW to read the court documents in respect of these settlements? Did the JW agree that some moeny was paid out of the WWW funds? If yes to both, that's not trivial; the amount will be a detail, though not an unimportant detail. It was important for the Watchtower that the exact amount aren't public; the victims ar ebound by law not to reveal the details.


  • JWdaughter

    Just to clarify, there is no 'law' saying that they can't reveal the amt. of the settlement. But settlements are done by a contract, and if a person agrees to be silent to keep their settlement, then, by law, the one paying the settlement can sue to get it back or not release it if the other party does not do what they agreed in the contract to do.

    So, I sue you, you say, hey, we will avoid this and all further lawsuits. I will give you $$$ but in return you shut up about XXX and never speak of this matter again or I will get all the money back from you-and damages against you, besides.

    Lawyers have every interest to get their clients the best settlement and they have the self interest to not want to go to court for a protracted trial. The one being sued can decide how much they are willing to give up rather than face the facts, publicity, and expense of a trial.

    Settlements do not necessarily mean that either party is correct or wrong or anything. They can merely be the way that one party washes their hands of the whole mess.

    A couple of things to consider here.

    The WT settled after it was decreed by the judge that their records at Brooklyn were subject to scrutiny by the court. So, all their correspondences regarding these matters would have been public record, had the court case continued without settlement.

    Also, the WTS is quite proud of the fact that they go to court a LOT and win a LOT of cases (regarding religious freedoms, usually), they have bottomless resources, lawyers that work for free and no personal stake for any of them (none of the brooklynites are out any money in any case).But losing a court case such as that one would make the WTS look like what it is. Rotten to the core. Having that in court would be worse than our present speculation. Another consideration, if the WT felt entirely justified and that what they had done was good, right, legal and moral, they would have had NO reason to settle at all. Their legal costs are minimal compared to even a normal corporation or religion.

    They personally have nothing to lose. This was about the survival of the religion, IMO. But, that is just my opinion and speculation. Until someone can offer one of those victims enough money that they can afford to blow off the settlement, we may never know. THAT would be interesting.

  • oneairhead

    I understand the gag order. But I thought there was an amount that was leaked and I know I saw it somewhere. It is a half way credible source then it would be a big point to with this bro because he is the account servant. He regularly puts in his own money to make up differences and if I could show him where his money was going then it would make a big impression. Help if you can.


  • Gerard

    Use perspective. It is not the amount payed, but the WT's intended coverup of ongoing and preventable abuses.

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