Armageddon = Cancer ?

by RollerDaughter 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDaughter

    Here's some food for thought...

    The Center for Science in the Public Interest tries to control everything we eat, thinking that everything causes cancer. There's always something new that causes cancer!

    The Witness try to control everything we do, thinking that everything is a sign that armageddon is near....

    maybe there's some kind of parallel there.. what do you think?


  • blueviceroy

    I believe all things are parallel . so maybe I'm the wrong one to answer. I believe the inner struggle of any human is reflected outwardly into the world as conflict

    Armageddon hmmmmmm

    I don't believe in the end of the world only the eventual end of suffering

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    big difference between science "in the public interest" and cult control, I think.

  • RollerDaughter

    well, the parallel i saw was the use of questionable science and alarmism to acheive an agenda

  • RollerDave
    big difference between science "in the public interest" and cult control, I think.


    Well if it were really 'in the public interest' you might be right, but that wasn't the point she was making, was it.

    They both have an agenda, and they both use junk science to advance it.

    They say some substance is cancer causing, then it turns out you'd have to eat sixteen tons a day to reproduce the results they got from pumping it into rats with a firehose.

    Then, ten years later, you hear about the substance again, but THIS TIME it's good for you.

    'new light' meets 'Bud Light'

    So, happy Harvester, in the way she obvious was referring to, no there is no difference.


  • RollerDaughter

    thanks RD, i'm glad you saw it ^_^


  • Gopher

    The CSPI doesn't really say everything causes cancer. I know you were exaggerating a bit.

    But CSPI and other health advocates have issued confusing and contradictory warnings and advice over the years. So to try to follow them wholly is time-consuming and impossible, much like trying to follow WTS doctrine.

    Once in a while CSPI hits the target. Here's an article where an upscale St. Louis chocolate company tried to market its confections with the slogan, "treat yourself to good health". Now c'mon, that needs to be called out. And CSPI did it:

    While I think many or most food providers are not trying to mislead people or make them sick, someone has to keep them on their toes.

    Whereas in terms of "warnings" about Armageddon and the like, the WT Society has a 0% success rate. Zilch. Nada. They serve no useful purpose, and they're a complete waste of time.

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