Is this a magic show? God is promoting it. 1950 WT

by oompa 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    I kind of thought the description of the NWT is funny here in par. 3. And it STILL IS the most unique! But look what the ACCURACY of this rendering proves: That God is promoting the FDS, and of course it is at the end of the world. So because it is SOOOOO ACCURATE, it means that this is Gods org. No wonder it is a big deal to WT to discourage people from learning Greek or Hebrew to check the accuracy of the NWT.....If we do........oompa....I think I have

    *** w5010/15p.385par.3RichesoftheFullAssuranceofOurUnderstanding***

    At the time of publishing this, the latest and doubtless most unique version to appear is that entitled "New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures", first released on Wednesday afternoon, August 2, 1950, at the 8-day international Theocracy’s Increase Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Yankee Stadium, New York city.




    With this accurate renderingwe can appreciate how our Lord promotes this consecrated service organization which he pictures as the "faithful and discreet slave" at this end of the world.

  • tula
    which he pictures as the "faithful and discreet slave"

    doesn't "he" refer to Jehovah? Why do they not capitalize He?

    Also, isn't it blasphemy to think you can discern how "he" pictures things?

    I remember a scripture where "he" said "you will never know all my ways." Do they ever find an occassion to use that?

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