Audio Book Recommendation for active JWs.

by Open mind 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Quick aside: If you're a newbie or lurker, do yourself a favor and start making a personal journal of where you're at mentally and spiritually. I wish I had. It's all kind of gray now when I look back at my personal "awakening" process.

    I can remember listening to various audio books while commuting. I listened to a few by Dr. Andrew Weil. He is a proponent of "integrative medicine". He's a pretty hard guy to dislike, IMO. He embraces both Western and "alternative" approaches to health. But I don't want to get side-tracked here.

    I highly recommend his Audiobook: Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing (The Self Healing Series).

    Here's the Amazon link if you want to see a description:

    BTW, most audio books I've listened to come from our VERY good local library.

    In particular, I would recommend it to all but the most conservative JWs. He's not a religious teacher. He's not teaching something that the WT specifically condemns like Yoga or TM. So I think the average JW who's looking to expand their horizons just a little would do well to give him a listen.

    If my memory serves me correctly, he was one of many "mini-interventions" that I exposed myself to along the way.

    So, are there any books or audiobooks that you think might be helpful for active JWs? Ones that won't raise Red Flags but at the same time, promote a more open, accepting worldview?


    Open Mind

  • BFD

    I just found this one. When I was a little kid, I used to sell the book they talk about for 25 cents on Saturday mornings. Knock, knock.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Very funny, BFD.

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