Trouble with the Paradigm

by RollerDave 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    OK, so if I follow the paradigm, the afterlife goes like this:

    All the good little folks go to Heaven where they sing, float around, maybe watch over some clueless schlub back here, and are permanently joyous because they are wired that way and have no choice in the matter, but are basically 'staff'

    The wicked, who got to have a bit more fun while alive, go down to Hell where they are poked, prodded, and buggered by Demons, they are 'clients', but not 'Staff'

    The demons, who have tenured staff positions are 'fallen angels' so they could theoretically be your uncle Bob who was boring all his life, then died and went to heaven where he discovered a rebellious streak or something and got transferred to a staff position more to his abilities tormenting souls in hell.

    Does this all make sense to ANYONE?!?!?

    I think their paradigm is seriously broken. This doesn't invalidate my faith in any way, it just demonstrates that the standard paradigm is constructed of non-compatible parts.



  • megsmomma

    No thoughts really...just LMAO!!!! I wanna be like Uncle Bob though!he he he!!

  • zack

    I here Thursday nights are hell in Hell!

    Seriously, Uncle Bob cannot be a demon because he proved himself faithful enough to go to heaven and receive immortality--- thus he would be wired to also be good and joyous, never

    being able to rebel. Immortals apparently receive some sort of angelic lobotomy. Only pre-human angels get to rebel, have indiscrimate sex with pre-flood humans, super huge offspring,

    and then when the party is over, get to possess the bodies of Jews in Jesus day, the "chosen" people of God, the seed of Abraham.

    That makes much more sense to you, right?

  • zack

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, all the demons, including the head demon--Lucifer----, gets to stay in heaven for thousands more years until Judge Rutherford declares

    that he and the others were cast out of heaven.

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