Doing research on the 1914 generation prophecy

by rodneycwilson 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • rodneycwilson

    I am currently researching a graduate paper about the Jehovah's Witnesses and the recent "new light" on the application and interpretation of the 1914 "this generation shall not pass away" teaching.

    I am particularly interested in hearing from anyone who was active in the Watchtower Society during the period in which this doctrine was reworked -- specifically the mid-1990s. I am interested to learn how this change was made known to members; the impact it had on congregations; how much congregational discussion there was about it; the impact on members and membership; if it sowed seeds of doubt in member's mind, etc.

    Any help anyone can offer is most appreciated. I may be reached at [email protected]. Your privacy need not be violated; while I would need to know who you are and some biographical details, I can refer to you in the paper without specific identification, if you prefer.

    Just for clarification: I am not a Jehovah's Witness nor have I ever been a Jehovah's Witness. I am a graduate student in religion and find the Witnesses of great interest and particularly the recent re-interpretation of the 1914 generation teaching.

    Thank you so much for any help anyone can offer!

    Rodney Wilson, Massachusetts

  • skeeder
    while I would need to know who you are and some biographical details,

    Why? Many of us will not reveal this information as our real identity must remain anonymous.

    I am a graduate student in religion and find the Witnesses of great interest and particularly the recent re-interpretation of the 1914 generation teaching.

    I highly recommend that you get the book CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE written by Ray Franz who was a member of the small group of men in New York who direct this entire organization. He devotes an entire chapter to this teaching and the history of it's change. (It was the first chapter I read).

    You might get it from your library or you can order it online.

    If you ''find the Witnesses of great interest'' You will find much information here of great interest with dates, names, copies of letters, and quotes from WT publications for support on various subjects. Well worth whatever it takes for you to get a copy.


  • The-Borg

    Hi Rodney and Welcome,

    I am interested to learn how this change was made known to members

    It was during a 1995 district convention in one of the talks and then in a subsequent watchtower a couple of months later. (This is how 'new light' is sometimes dispensed, other times just through an article in a watchtower.)

    how much congregational discussion there was about it

    Other than through the official Watchtower study - NONE. To question this is skating on thin ice, it might be discussed in private circles but it would have to be with someone you trust if you don't want to be investigated for apostacy.

    the impact on members and membership; if it sowed seeds of doubt in member's mind, etc.

    It had an impact on a sizeable minority, because Armageddon was now postponed indefinitely, no fixed time anymore and some felt let down. But most accepted it as new light without thinking too much about it.

  • Leolaia

    Welcome to the forum, Rodney....I would suggest a good place to start is the search utility...there have been a huge volume of posts here on personal accounts and I am sure that you will find some information along the lines you are seeking.

    I would be interested in reading your paper when it is done.

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