I am happy to report an old exJW friend looked me up..

by LongHairGal 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LongHairGal

    I am so happy that this old friend contacted me!

    In one of my earliest posts I reported that JWs had done strange things to me. Well, this experience was one of them. This person cut off all contact with JWs because she didn't want anything to do with them because she was leaving. Little did she know that I was harboring doubts and would have been glad to share them with her if only I knew!

    Now, we have much to catch up on and I am happy I have somebody I can talk to in person about the things I have felt and experienced.



    I'm still waiting for someone I once knew to find me in here and be happy for me too. Aren't we all?


  • Gopher

    I've already had the experience of meeting former JW friends and acquaintances, both through this board and also others not on JWD.

    It's always been a great "reunion", without exception.

  • RollerDave

    Hey Gopher, what a funny coincedence, me too!

    Still waiting on some tho.


  • Honesty

    About 2 years ago a person who was raised as a JW saw my posts and PM'd me.

    Turns out, that person was in the first congregation I attended in Tennessee.

    We still keep in touch.

    BTW, that person accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord and is now a Christian who has been set free from the cult.

  • Alwayshere

    LongHairGal, Good to hear that happens. Gives us all some hope.

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