Has there been any study articles since the May 1st QFR on the 144,000?

by cultswatter 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    I think that the absence of any study article on the remnant is very suspicious. As far as I know there has been nothing on the 144,000 for almost 1/2 year. What gives. With all this emphasis on the annointed lately you would think the society would clarify whether the 144,000 are literal or symbolic. If you look at Russells writings you will see that he was not sure if the 144,00 was a literal number or not. Now this dude is in heaven directing the work(he got his mug shot in the May 1st QFR !) So you might expect the society to act as ghost writer for Russell and to say in a weasely worded way that Russell now says the 144,000 are symbolic. Oh come on GB I've given you the outline now go for it!

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