Poor Sodomites!

by mindfield 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    I took a huge risk tonight... nonchalantly asked an elder if he could tell me, after some research, if the guys from sodom and gomorrah are going to be resurrected.. Told him that I had made the research myself, but just couldn't come up with an answer. That's understandable... insight book says yes, watchtower from same year says no, revelation says no... who can you trust? Oh yes, the watchtower. I forgot.[8>]

    So anyways, when he does come up with an answer, I'll just ask him if he's sure, and how it is he's so sure. Basically, the only basis for right or wrong in this situation is the year of publishment.

    "Oh, this was published a year later, so this is correct"

    Yeah right.
    Anyways, I won't get too much into the new light crap, since my reputation is already down as it is... haven't made a comment in months! (although i could bluff some bull)

    Just wanted to share this with you apostates!!! LOL. just kidding.

  • Seeker

    And if a new Watchtower next month says the opposite of what the elder told you, he'll change his mind instantly. And if you ask him, he'll say, "I'm sure."

    You nicely illustrated how JWs will accept new light/old light/new light/whatever....

  • unclebruce

    G'day Fed Up,

    The whole Sodom and Gomorrah story doesn't add up. I have witnessed the Sydney Gay Mardi Gra and none of those happy folk looked the least bit interested in my virgin daughters (or the angel i was with ;)


    PS: A friend of mine reconed we should ressurect Hitler, shoot him, resurect him, shoot him again x about 6,000,000 for a start ;)

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