Young People ask about dating

by mindfield 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    My brother is getting grilled by my dad about dating... he went out with a girl to the movies. BAD choice!

    Overhearing them, i got reminded by some important aspects about dating.

    1. Dating = SEX
    2. Dating comes from peer pressure
    3. Dating is BAD, very, very BAAAD
    4. And boy, do they have a lot of professionals quotes...

    I almost feel like helping my 15 year old bro., who is non-JW but still acts like if he's a pre-publisher. Yeah, an honest talk with my dad about dating. I'm not dating myself, but heck, I won't be removed that right just because some blue book coming from old men tells me not too!

    I'll have to check out those quotes!!! that could be interesting!
    Anyways.. any hinters?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi FedUp,

    ...some important aspects about dating.

    1. Dating = SEX

    Only if done right!

  • Stephanus

    "Dating" is a part of American culture which never really made it over here, at least not when I was a teenager. You were either going out with a girl (in an official boyfriend/girlfriend sense), or you weren't! My first instinct was to pan the Dub father, but as a father of two boys who aren't far off their own teenage years, I'm not so sure what is the best way to handle these issues. I certainly wouldn't be against something as innocent as going to the movies; the real "dangers" are when the kids start to drive.

  • Fredhall

    Hey Kids,

    Dating is not sex. Sex is sex.

  • mindfield

    Very thought provoking, fred!

  • ISP

    I got these problems to come. Mine are 5+7! Dating is a tricky subject!


  • mindfield

    What it all boils down to, I think, is freedom of choice. No one has the right to say "no, you can't do that, don't do that" about things like friends and relationships. Even smoking, when you come down to it, is a personal decision. Grilling someone to make them scared (my dad with my bro.) is completely irrational and will probably do more harm than good.

    Check out this interesting article:,,PTID74451|CHID198665|CIID505906,00.html

    It's christian too... how ironic!

  • ISP

    I think achieving a consensus with young ones would be good. I doubt that it is good enough to leave young ones to do what they want....or mind control them into submission!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think we need to ask Father Naeblis, Pope of the Orthodox Canadian Catholic Church, to chime in on this. Only HE can provide the kind of deep insight required.

    Anyone here a disciple of LEYKIS 101? If so, you'll agree with me that "dating" is a code word for "sleeping with," aka "having sex."

    I didn't invent the lexicon, but I understand it thanks to LEYKIS 101. LEYKIS 101 is the shortest path between hobbled JW androgyny and virile, no-holds-barred manhood.

    In almost no time at all it can turn 97 pound weaklings into 97 pound men.

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