by journey-on 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • journey-on

    When I read posts like the one today regarding the pregnant young lady whose pioneer mother has told her not to get in contact till she’s reinstated, I am sickened and saddened.

    Mothers and other family members who think that that directive is from God or Christ are so far off the mark, it’s unbelievable. That directive was issued from men, a group of elderly self-proclaimed channels of God’s Holy Spirit out of New York. It boggles the mind to think that otherwise intelligent people will buy into this sort of thinking and that they would desire to believe in something so desperately that they would forsake their own children and grandchildren for such an ideology.

    They allow themselves to believe the interpretation of a couple of scriptures put forth by this human governing body of men, ignoring all other scriptures that could just as easily be used to dispute this interpretation. What a snare and a carefully manipulated hoax the evil powers that be have perpetrated on the unsuspecting followers.

    But this topic is about prayer.

    Prayer is a powerful "science". But I don’t want to get into that part of it. This post would end up being much too long if it was centered on what real prayer is and why it’s so powerful. Suffice it to say, that the science of prayer has been lost for centuries and it has become nothing more than words to thank God for his blessings and to ask for his blessings.

    If you listen to a prayer at the Kingdom Hall, you will hear them pray for forgiveness of our shortcomings and they will ask Jehovah for his holy spirit to help us in these last days to remain faithful to his organization…blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s all about the organization and remaining faithful to the organization and the governing body. Just listen…really listen…next time to one of their prayers. It ends up sounding like a preacher’s sermon!

    I challenge any Jehovah’s Witness to go quietly within themselves and seek God in real prayer. Don’t ask the wrong things like you’ve been taught to do by these misdirected men. Follow the examples of those in the Bible.

    First of all, quietly and humbly submit yourself to Him. Recognize His perfect Love, Power, Wisdom, and Justice and then give Him thanks for that. Feel His Love upon you. He is your Father, the one who created you. He really does want you to have a personal relationship with Him. Sincerely and openly, ask your Father for his spirit to move within your heart and show you the truth. Don’t ask Him to help you remain faithful to an organization or a group of men. This isn’t from a place of real truth. Simply ask Him to show you His truth and ask that His Will be done in your Life. Tell Him of your concerns and just ask Him for his holy spirit to open your heart to Truth and Love and to help you find Wisdom.

    Do this everyday with deep Love for your creator and Father and thank Him everyday for hearing your prayer. Then quietly and peacefully, listen for His guidance. Remember, the scriptures tell us that his essence is pure Love. His Love is felt in your heart and what is in your heart is what you will manifest. Remain humble and peaceful.

    This is my challenge to you JWs. Pray in the above manner and see what your Heart really tells you.

    I have a feeling, however, that most of you will actually be afraid to do this. Most of you will feel like you have to go ask an elder if it’s okay to talk to your Father in such a personal way. The fear and mind control has gone so deep that you are suspicious of even your heavenly father’s love and guidance.

    Doesn’t that seem even the least bit satanic to you? Does it not occur to you that they might be wolves in sheep’s clothing keeping you away from God’s real Love and Wisdom? Don’t you even look at how they use a few well-chosen scriptures to brow beat their followers into catatonic submission. These few scriptures and the way they have been used over the years by a society of power hungry men are triggers that cause your mind to remember some directive they have promulgated to put fear and guilt into your mind. This causes you to jump back into JW mode. Step out of that place and into a place of Truth and real Love and see where that spirit guides you. You owe it to yourself, your family, and to your Father. Peace to all.

  • blueviceroy

    I think prayer is a learned skill some people can never find the quiet space inside themselves where God can finally be heared or at least felt. If people spent more time trying to reach God and less time trying to please God maybe they we be maybe just a little happier and able to cope with those bad days just a little bit better.

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