An interisting Brazilian Court rule

by rosa 0 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • rosa

    In August 14, 2007 a Brazilian Court rules a sue regarding JW-patient choice to refusing blood. The case occured in Uberaba City, Minas Gerais. But one of the judges talked about his vote. He explained many aspects pro-JW, but a paragraph is too interisting:

    " I make this comment, inasmuch as the blood reception to the Jehovah's Witnesses follower becomes him excluded from his social group pairs and generates a family nature conflict that finishes to becoming unacceptable the living between its integrant ones. It is created, therefore, an environment in which the person is had as religiously worthless and that he doesn't deserve necessary received in the medium, as described in doctrine."

    Maybe the computer translation wasn't good, so that's the Portuguese speak from one of judges:

    "Faço esta observação, porquanto a recepção de sangue pelo seguidor da corrente religiosa Testemunhas de Jeová o torna excluído do grupo social de seus pares e gera conflito de natureza familiar que acaba por tornar inaceitável a convivência entre seus integrantes. Cria-se, portanto, um ambiente no qual a pessoa é tida como religiosamente indigna e que não merece a necessária acolhida em seu meio, como descrito em doutrina."

    To whom read Portuguese:

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