Only in New Zealand......

by Prisca 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    Fancy a new ornament for your mantlepiece? Need a present for your neighbour's anniversary party?

    Then why don't you buy your own STUFFED RABBIT!!

    Here is The Fishing Rabbit:

    or perhaps The Drinking Rabbit:

    As the blurb says,

    These are extremely high quality products that are entirely hand crafted and treated to last more than a lifetime. The props, rifles, knives etc., are hand crafted and attention to detail is superb. Rabbits are insect proofed and importation to any country is no problem. They are not an endangered species and do not carry diseases!!

    As I sid, only in New Zealand!!!

  • Princess

    Now I know what to get my mother-in-law for Christmas!

  • TR

    MAN! I'm in the wrong business! There's not too many rabbits around where I live, but there's lots of stray cats. Hmmmm....


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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