Celebrity Jehovah Witnesses

by Blackboo 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Blackboo

    How come the Watchtower never comment on famous Jehovah Witnesses..? Terrance Howard said he wants to "become a Jehovah Witness" but he is in a movie by watchtower standards warrant disfellowship action. How come current Witnesses dont see through the BS? I mean if they uphold the truth then they will call out anything that is unclean for there organization. And on top of that its not hidden of what type of lifestyles some famous Witnesses live. Money really does talk..but the watchtower dont talk about it they remain quiet.

  • fresia

    I think some modern day celeb JW's are not really active or baptized. Those that are don't really draw attention to themselves, I understand where you're coming from though, because some that claim to be JW really do give a bad witness with the suss lifestyle, don't know why nothing is mentioned.

  • wozadummy

    I think their too busy looking for brothers with university qualifications like lawyers to prop up their dying system to be worried about famous people who can afford spin doctors to hide their tracks.

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