which life should i choose?

by Calliope 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Calliope

    for someone who believes this life IS the only life (no afterlife, heaven, resurrection, reincarnation...), should i move to be close to my family?

    even though i have left the org. they still talk with me, visit, i vacation with them... we have always been a closeknit family. we phone each other daily. everyone lives in close proximity but me. should i make this life about family?


    should i move further away, out to the country, and build a life for myself there (which is still 5000miles away from my family).


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    What do you want to do? Whatever you do, you don't have to stay where you're not happy, if you don't want to. Maybe you could live 5,000 miles away part of the year, and be with your family other times. It doesn't have to be so black and white, like the JWs try to make us be.

  • educ8self

    You should move in with us. I don't know if you're aware of this, but there is actually a JWD commune where we all post from one big room ... it's nerdvana.

    No seriously, it's like MQ said. What's important to you? It might be helpful to look at the reasons, but it comes down to what you want to do. It wouldn't be your choice if you went with someone else's "should" right?

  • Calliope

    i already know the answer... but there is this guilt that follows me because everyone else has chosen to be close (both wits and non-wits of the family) and i am the rogue, black sheep... :(

    educ8self: seriously IS THERE REALLY A COMMUNE? because that's what i will be establishing in the country.


  • Scully

    It's easier than ever to keep close to family without actually living near them. Chatting online, free long distance calling plans, Skype - it makes regular communication a breeze.

    What would make you happier? If you believe that this is the only life you get, what would you really want to spend that life on?

    It isn't as though you'll never be able to move closer to them at some time in the future if it becomes necessary to do so, or you decide that is what you want to do later on in life.

    If you set your dreams aside to nurture family relationships, will you come to resent that some day? Will you have regrets and would you be able to live with the "what ifs"?

  • educ8self
    educ8self: seriously IS THERE REALLY A COMMUNE? because that's what i will be establishing in the country.

    Really? I will have to check it out! That's what human maturation is all about isn't it, you become independent, start your own cult I mean family and become the head honcho..

  • changeling

    I'm so glad that you are close to your family, this will certainly enrich your life.

    You need to ask yourself what will make you happiest in the long run. Go with that.


  • Cheetos

    The days weeks and years pass by so fast next our family members have all died, spend as much time if you can that is, loving them irregardless what they do then you will have no regrets there is no guarantees what tomorrow will bring. Family is a wonderful gift it looks like you have a loving one nurture them, and they will nurture you.

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