2015 Predictions

by free2beme 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Well, I got none right in 2014. Dang it! Maybe I need to be a little more realistic and not predict so much with people dying, UFO sightings and so on. But got to have fun. So let me make a few predictions of 2015.

    1. I see gas continuing to go down and down, until we see some places in the USA hitting $1.50 per gallon. Which will actually cause a serious job problem in states like North and South Dakota, down to Oklahoma and Texas. But I will have one hell of a road trip!

    2. I see more major terrorist attacks in the cyber world. Mostly the retail and entertainment sector. Which will lead to an early release of Star Wars, which will help me not to have to be seeing such an unreal count down. (Just please, not the crap of Episode 1-3).

    3. I feel that Hillary Clinton will end up choosing to drop out of the race, as there are serious health issues that she is not being open about. These will lead to a lack of confidence, and will lead to Joe running as lead on the ticket. Of course, SNL will celebrate this will a major Thank You!

    4, Russia will take the Ukraine, it will also invade Georgia and other smaller broken away nations.

    5. George Bush Sr, I feel will pass by the Spring. Which sucks, as I kind of liked him post presidency.

    6. I predict we will hear more and more useless information about Kim K, and that husband of hers. Which will ever have my head shaking and wondering, "Why do we care about this fat bottom girl so much?"

    7. I feel the Jehovah's Witnesses will make further and larger cuts to the organization, and lower the amount of hours expected by their members. As they put less focus on door-to-door and more on bible studies, and member recruitment that is succeeding (Which should lead to large birth rate in their religion, as that is the best way to get new members).

    8. Someone will invent an app that actually alerts you to JWs in your neighborhood, allowing time for lights off, door bell disconnections, and dogs released to prevent the knock.

    9. Earthquake of epic levels in Rio, London and India. (Why, not gotta have those things in predictions).

    10. The pope will declare a dog a saint! (For fun!)

    Have a great year, live to see the next.

  • stuckinamovement
    Reasonable predictions. I agree with you on 7.5 out of 10. 
  • haboob48
    love #8! lol
  • ABibleStudent

    I think that at least 2 out of 3 of my 2014 predictions came true: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/262407/what-major-wtbts-change-do-you-predict-2014?page=1.

    The WTBTS did start a tithing arrangement with JWs pledging to donate to support Worldwide construction and the WTBTS did increase its internet presences with internet TV and campaigns to direct people to JW.org .  I may have been partially right about my prediction that the Watchtower will only print the simplified Watchtower/Awake! as the Watchtower is pressuring JWs to carry Ipads and distribute flyers directing people to visit JW.org instead of passing out literature door to door.  Considering how JWs approach people while working propaganda carts, I doubt that JWs distribute many printed magazines anymore.

    I think that there will be big changes to the WTBTS in 2015.  I predict that the WTBTS will have a drop in publishers for 2015, unless the WTBTS reduces the qualifications for publishers from 10 hours/month to just counting publisher cards in a congregation or just dropping the metric all together.

    I do feel that the outcome of the oral arguments for the WTBTS's appeal of the Candace Conti trial judgment, other litigation around the world, and greater exposure to the internet will cause many JWs to doubt the WTBTS and fade away.

    I also hope that SOL reform legislation and introducing a bill in Congress in 2015 to revise the tax code for tax-exempt organizations to protect children from sexual abuse may cause more JWs to doubt the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • prologos

    10 the pope is late for the doggone saint: Think

    SAINT Bernhard, ( St. Bernard ),  the pooch with the casket. no, not a coffin, the fine liqueur, for when you get snowed under.   

  • WTWizard

    Lower gas prices are just a distraction.  Enjoy them while you still have them, because sometime between mid April and the beginning of August, the dollar is going to abruptly collapse.  Between the Feds and people totally losing faith in the dollar (both here and abroad), hyperinflation is assured.  There is another window of opportunity for this to happen next February as Neptune crosses 9 Pisces, square Saturn.

    Watch out for March 26, 2016, as the day when high ranking rabbis start a working to ban all sex (all reproduction will be artificial insemination).  Microchips will enforce this ban.  This is when Jupiter in Virgo (a celibate sign) squares Saturn in Sagittarius.  While this is not the exact date of the square (it is a couple of days late), they will use Saturn's energy (Satur[n]day) to pull this off.  It will be facilitated drastically if I somehow get forced to place as little as a waste of paper with a high ranking rabbi this spring, and anyone going to Israel on that mission is facilitating this working.

    Along with the dollar collapse, I advise against stocks of any kind--even gold mining stocks.  You see, even if the companies are solid, you will end up getting paid in toilet papers when you sell, or your dividend will be in toilet papers.  Which are constantly and rapidly losing value.  And most companies are going to be in even worse shape.  While they might continue to provide [dis]value to society, their balance sheet will be negative.  I expect the real value of the stock market to crash around when the dollar becomes toilet paper.

    I am expecting the jokehovian witlesses to start playing hardball.  The church of scientology is already suing and harassing ex-members to return.  Their contracts are a billion years.  With the jokehovians, it is infinite.  Not knowing you signed a legally binding contract, or that you were threatened or defrauded into "signing" it will not be an accepted excuse.  Unlike the scientologists, the jokehovians will not hesitate to start drugging people (it is against the scientology religion to use psychiatric drugs) into submission.  Expect people to do more field circus and donate more (into debt) under threat of, not only being sued or criminal contempt, but being placed on Seroquel for not complying.  This is with Saturn in Sagittarius--there will be a brief reprieve from this June 16 through September 18, as Saturn retrogrades into Scorpio, but after September 18, watch out again.

    Also, with Saturn in Sagittarius, I am hoping the Israel trip the jokehovians are planning is a total flop.  This is a bad aspect for long distance travel, and anyone going on that Israel trip is working against Saturn.  I hope it flops because, otherwise, the rabbis that do accept those wastes of paper will use black magick on us all through them.  Also, this is a bad combination to return safely.  Due to the dollar becoming toilet paper, there is a good risk of most or all of them being stranded in Tel Aviv because the airports in America are closed due to no one willing to work for no valuable pay.

  • zeb
    so all right now give us the bad news.

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