by justhuman 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • justhuman

    We are living in the most tragic moments of modern Hellenic history. Indeed the Hellenic Republic is under a terrorist attack. Villages have been destroyed, forests vanished, more than 60 people died in the most catastrofic fires in the last 150 years of human history...

    In just one day, they were 80 fires!!! A camera captured 2 people throwing burning material to the forest...

    We are living a modern Greek drama. There size of the destruction is inbelievable. The cradle of the Olympic Games, Olympia just managed to escape from this destruction. People, firemen, soldiers, fought with flames to save the world wide heritage, and they did it

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    So sad. Senseless. Hope they catch every one of them.

  • mkr32208

    It's truly terrible, but worst fires in the last 150 years? There have been some PRETTY bad fires in the last hundred years!

  • Xena

    I was just watching this on the news. Apparently they think it might have been started by building developers. How sad is that?

  • justhuman

    Indeed they are the worst fires for the past 150 years, regarding victims. Until today, that the fires are still going strong in many places at Pelloponysos, we have nearly 70 people reported to died. One woman and her four children were found in their car burned...and there are many people missing.

    This is a real tragedy. No one believes that there are people to do that crime. Half of the country is on fire. It is something beyond human imagination. The sun doesn't shine from the flames. The places that they are burned the land is not expensive at all to buy it. It is something beyond than those land developers that suppose they burn the land.

    Everyone talks about a terror attack. Similar it happened to Bulgaria this summer. It was burned in the same way. Imagine a fire line of 60klm. It was something that no one can imagine it could happened. And the same way Spain was burned 2 years ago and Portugal. But what is happening in Greece is beyond human imagination. Even they were false calls for fires in other places, to destruct the work of the firemen.

    What mind goes to destroyed the World Wide Herritance of the Olympia. At Olympia is were we give the Olympic Flame to the World. It was there and survived from earthquakes, conquerors, natural elements, for 2700 years!!! What sick mind goes to destroy a monument like that? A monument that belongs to the World, like Akropolis and Parthenon.

  • Sasha

    absolutley tragic. I heard some stories from there on talk radio this a.m. you do not want to hear. Lets hope it is not terrorism. Who are helping these poor people? Does not seem like anyone is rushing to help. The farmers themselves are doing all the work and dying for it. Crops and animals burnt, terrible.

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