I am finally back...

by _Atlas 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • _Atlas

    ... I've been away for a while (actually 3/4 of a year) without posting.

    Besides saying hi, I wanted to gradually get to speed in everything going on JW land.

    In the last year, what are the relevant news, blunders and scandals coming out of the WTBTS?

    I will greatly appreciate any links to relevant topics.


  • KW13

    At the moment its inbetween changes coming into effect, the literature seems to be preparing the dubs for some major changes, wonder what they'll be!

  • kwr

    The Watchtower settled all the Child Sex Abuse cases and there is a CD with all the documents available.

  • watson

    I think they just settled the pending California cases....more to come?

  • Honesty

    The Public Talk is about to be scaled back to 30 minutes.

    Researching Greek and Hebrew words to verify the accuracy of the New World Translation is now a BIG NO-NO in Dubland.

    There is some more GOOFY STUFF but I got depressed just mentioning the two I posted so I need to tag someone else so they can take over.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I dont want to alarm you or anything...But it appears that the end is just around the corner (who's end thats another story:)

  • dobbie

    watchtower mags - one a month for non dubs to see out in territory, other one will be for dubs only to be studied on sundays

  • _Atlas

    Thanks for the replies; KW13, KWR, Watson, Honesty, Darth Frosty & Dobbie...

    I am aware about the Awake and WT cut back and the 30 minutes public talk but I was completely unaware of the fact that researching Hebrew and Greek words was now out of bounds for the Dubs...

    Can someone enlighten me when was this directly addressed? I know it is kind of obvious that they should prevent the R&F from researching anything... but to directly forbid biblical researching is something else... Was this published lately or is it one of those unwritten rules they tend to enforce?

    Thanks in advance for the info...

  • Gopher


    Partway down this thread you'll see a scan of the September KM article where they tried to shut down independent research (such as Hebrew and Greek definitions):


  • FlyingHighNow

    Welcome back, Atlas. Good to see you. I'll let everyone else catch you up on the links. Simon is installing a new JWD search feature. I don't know if it's finished yet, but he was working on it this past week.

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