Jehovah's witnesses and university

by xxfreethinkerxx 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • xxfreethinkerxx

    Hi all, Check out this new video, a talk (read in Italian) by Governing Body member Gerrit Lösch about choosing a higher education or not. Enjoy!

  • xxfreethinkerxx
  • Open mind
    Open mind

    *shaking head in disbelief*

    Thanks for that free thinker.

    I couldn't tell when it was given. Do you know the date?

    Open Mind

  • ex-nj-jw

    Ok, I just watched that video. You have got to be kidding me! I wonder if this is from the most recent convention? Please let me know if it is!


  • Mum

    So a college education is like a suicide attempt? That is the craziest drivel I've heard in ages! As a matter of fact, I haven't attended a JW meeting of any kind in ages.

    Folks: I am one of those who "survived" college; i.e., I went back to college in my 30's and had the time of my life! I wish to be a voice of dissent and tell you that I highly recommend getting all of the education you possibly can.

    AND, if you still want to try to save the world in your spare time, you may. After all, the nice gentleman did acknowledge that he can't really decide for you.

    You'll be glad if you listen to me instead of him.


  • xxfreethinkerxx

    Hi there, The talk was given during a special JW convention on May 22, 2005 in the city of Monza, near Milan, Italy.

  • Eliveleth

    Well, they are still trying!!! I remember attending the Internation Convention in St. Louis, Mo in 1941. We children (I was 10 at the time) were told to not get married and certainly not to have children because the end was "months away". They even gave us a book called "Children" which had a story about two young people who wanted to get married, but decided not to so they could devote all their time and energy into pioneering because the end was so near. We even got to shake Judge Rutherford's hand. What a privilege. I was encouraged (TOLD) to take a "business course" in high school so I would not have to go to college and be around "worldly people". I guess I was not a very good witness in my heart. I got married and had 4 children. However, like a good witness I did not encourage my children to go to college. As a matter of fact, when our son was born, we thought he would never even have to go to school. He is 56 years old. He is still a witness and not encouraging his children and grandchildren to go to college Before we left the org. we knew a couple who had put off having children. They are old and bitter, but still JWs. Things have changed for us since then. We left the WT in 1983 and now we encourage our grandchildren to go and get an education. I guess we just got smarter. LOL

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    Well, they are still trying!!! I remember attending the Internation Convention in St. Louis, Mo in 1941. We children (I was 10 at the time) were told to not get married and certainly not to have children because the end was "months away". They even gave us a book called "Children" which had a story about two young people who wanted to get married, but decided not to so they could devote all their time and energy into pioneering because the end was so near. We even got to shake Judge Rutherford's

    Eliveleth - you must have seen a lot. I hope you will keep posting. We could learn a lot from you.

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