new light? or just more bs?

by not interested 2 Replies latest social current

  • not interested
    not interested

    Just wondering if anyone elsse has heard the laters about babolyn the great"s new identity? I got a email from a jw saying somthing about the muslims being the great harlot and its not christianity. Well if i rember right babolyn represents the whole world of false religon.(but i could be wrong) Any way the point was that the political leaders will turn on the muslims faster than the christians so we must be realy close to the end.
    so if anyone has heard anything similar let me know of if yor interested ill forward the email

    later peeps,

    Not interested


    This year`s new light,is next year`s new lie!

  • Eyebrow

    Now that would actually shock me if it is true. I cannot see JWs saying that Muslims are worse than any other religion that is not JW.

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