Great Lakes Monsoon Season Is Here?....

by AK - Jeff 1 Replies latest social current

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    August in my neck 'o the woods is typically hot and dry. Very hot and dry. Not this year. I have watched it rain more this month than it usually does in April. And big rains too - 3 or 4 inches at a time. Last month my yard was nearly killed off by the excessive heat and dry conditions. The moles took over, the weeds and crabgrass took over. The grass died. Now, a month later I can't seem to find a dry day in between the rain drops to get it mowed -and it is growning like a jungle.

    Well - done ranting - I shall listen to the thunder and watch the rain fall now......


  • brinjen

    Love the wet season, especially the thunderstorms during the build up. Monsoon gets a bit of a damper though...


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