The Missing Scriptures

by WTWizard 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    Has anyone noticed when reading the New World Translation, that there are numerous dashes where scriptures are supposed to be? You look through, find the number, but instead of the text there is a dash. And, when you question it, all they say is that the King James version had a "spurious" scripture there.

    The real reason was that, wherever a scripture that blatantly undermined the Watchtower Society appears, they deleted it. However, they had to keep the numbers consistent or they would lose others who are using the King James version. Thus, they would put the dash following the number. Usually, when I read the missing text, it fits in with the context of what's being said. That is, it belongs in the Bible. If only whoever was writing that up and then passing that on as the accurate translation would have read Revelation 22:18 and 19 where it warned what would happen to anyone who tampered with the Bible.

    Mistake? Had they merely omitted the whole thing, then it might have been an error. But to put the number followed by the dash indicates that they are knowingly omitting something that belongs in the Bible. And there are literally hundreds of these dashes scattered through the New World Translation. And they are passing this on as inspired?

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Yes, I did notice the dash for missing scriptures, then I readt a book that has three different bibles with the scriptures that were missing and why.

    I did not read every single NWT scripture with dashes only the NT.

    I know that the King James had many errors and people tried to correct their bibles by figuring out which verses should be in the bible and which was spurious writings. Why the errors, because monks had to translate scriptures and when they came across a scripture that did not fit with Catholic doctrines they would add in something to make it fit.

    What is interesting is that there are many well educated and trained individuals going through old manuscripts to see if it fits or not. Unlike the WTBTS who probably do not have the training to read such documents.

    You know they always borrow from the world and call it new light, but when they error then it is old light!

    WtWizard! As far as that scripture about not adding to Revelation, What do you think about people who add in thoughts between scriptures such as Revelation It's Grand Climax Is At Hand? Do you consider this adding to the scriptures? I do.

  • Leolaia

    These verses are "missing" in most modern versions like the NIV, NASB, JB, etc. because the versification system was developed in the 16th century before the many textual accretions in the Textus Receptus were identified through subsequent textual criticism (especially in light of discoveries of earlier and better manuscripts). This versification system was NOT part of the original text. You should take a look at Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus for a survey of the history of the may better understand why most modern translations recognize that there have been additions and other alterations to the biblical text. Some translations like the NIV and NASB simply skip over the verse but the NWT at least makes things explicit by using a dash.

  • VM44

    Anyone remember the joke about these "missing scriptures" in the Bible that was being told among the Witnesses in the mid 1970's?

    It spread so much that an announcement had to be made by the elders stating that the Bible "is not a joke book!"


  • veen

    Lol. You know how people would quote scriptures in greetings cards if you were ill etc. I used to quote the scriptures with the dashes.

  • Leolaia

    Hey, I guess you can have fun with them.

    According to the Bible, masturbation is a clean way for a person to keep their urges under control (Luke 17:36). Smoking is fine, as long as it is in moderation (Matthew 18:11), and God expects us to accept blood if necessary in order to save lives (Romans 16:24). Oh yeah, and birthdays are cool too! -- Mark 9:44, 46.

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