Advice for newbies

by B_Deserter 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • B_Deserter

    I've been thinking about what it was like to just "wake up" and see the Witnesses without the Watchtower blinders on, and I've decided to post one piece of helpful advice for those who feel they must burst from their cocoon and tell the world how they feel.

    If one is still in the organization and has not expressed any doubts to anyone inside and wants to keep it that way for the time being, they should start by setting up a fake online life. The first step is to get an e-mail address that none of your witness friends and acquaintances know about. If you have accounts at "social networking" sites like Digg, Reddit, Deviant Art, or YouTube, create a special non-witness account at those sites as well. This way, if you happen to post something anti-witness (and I do just about every day being an atheist on Digg and Reddit), you won't be discovered too early by your JW cohorts.

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