No more JWs in my family

by Crooked Lumpy Vessel 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    The last remaining one in my family is now out. She cracks me up though. She and her husband split up after 7 years of marriage and she started dating a guy that she met at a tikki hut bar. Her husband was also dating another woman. She called the elder in the congregation and told him that she was committing adultry and to go ahead and disfellowship her. The elder started asking her pointed/details questions about her infidelity and she told him, 'none of your business' and then he said OK. (what a pervert these elders are) He then called her back and told her that she had 7 days to think about it.

    She said she absolutly, positively knows, without a doubt that this is not a christian based religion. There was no love, no consoling after her husband left her with 2 kids. She had repeatedly asked the elders to help with her martial problems (before and after the separation) and their answer was basically that she needed to spread her legs for her husband more often to keep him from straying.

    Anyway, I asked her why not just fade out but her answer was, she did not want to play games. She knew that if she got disfellowshipped that no one would bother her and thats what she wants because when you are disfellowshipped, congregation members are forbidden to visit with you or talk to you. She's a pretty smart cookie.

  • BFD

    CLV, I love the way your sister handled her situation. Really, the nerve of these elders! She is calling them to say "Give me the boot, I am no longer a JW" and they want details, details, details.

    Congratulations to you and your family.

    Rock on!


  • unique1

    AWESOME!!! Bet it feels good to have your entire family back together!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    So many JWs leaving, good news indeed.

  • greendawn

    It's nice not to have anyone in your family caarying the morbid influence of the cult. That this is an unloving organisation is well known to everyone here and what else could it be since this is in fact a business passing off itself as a religion? Of course it will lack a true loving heart and Christian understanding as it has no such priorities eg where is the charitable spirit and works of the WTS?

  • FreeGirl2006

    Being df'd is great from the aspect that you get left alone! No more pesky elders snooping into your life! Kudos to your relative for having the strength to meet them head-on!

  • free2think

    Good for her.

  • Es

    Thats awesome, your so lucky


  • steve2

    To be fair, all credit to the elder for giving her seven days to think about her decision. Hell, that's way more than I was ever given!

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