Selling/Buying house, trip to Chicago, Sweet 16 BUSY MONTH

by JWdaughter 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    At the end of July we put our house up for sale. 10 days later we got an offer on it. (Busy searching for a new house) Made an offer on new house. Now in escrow for both. I am leaving for chicago tomorrow to visit sister for a week, and the weekend I get home we are having a sweet sixteen for my daughter. The next week is for packing/closing on both houses. We move on the weekend after that. . .my husband has two required classes for work in the midst of the move, and then the next weekend he thinks he is taking the kids camping for labor day weekend. I think the entire month is a bit ambitious, but going camping 3 days after we finish moving seems to be pushing it a little. Or do you think after that month that it will be a breeze for anyone who can pull off August to go camping the first day of Sept? BTW, I am NOT camping. I have a beautiful new house that I want to enjoy. I am thinking of encouraging the camping just so I get a weekend off and some peace and quiet.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Send the hubby and kids camping, stay home and enjoy it!! Sounds like a plan to me


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