The ants have megaphones. What are they saying?

by besty 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty

    The thread title refers to a quote from Chris Anderson's book - The Long Tail - Why The Future of Business is Selling Less of More

    Here is the quote in context from Chp.7 The New Tastemakers

    "We’re entering an era of radical change for marketers. Faith in advertising and the institutions that pay for it is waning, while faith in individuals
    is on the rise. Peers trust peers. Top-down messaging is losing traction, while bottom-up buzz is gaining power. Dell spends hundreds of millions each year on promoting its quality and customer service, but if you Google “dell hell” you’ll get 55,000 pages of results. Even the word “dell” returns customer complaints by the second page of results. The same inversion of power is now changing the marketing game for everything from individual products to people. The collective now controls the message.

    For a generation of customers used to doing their buying research via search engine, a company’s brand is not what the company says it is, but what Google says it is. The new tastemakers are us. Word of mouth is now a public conversation, carried in blog comments and customer reviews, exhaustively collated and measured. The ants have megaphones."

    This set me to thinking about how the WTBS have traditionally controlled the message, the brand and the public perception. And the recent development in the Sep KM about barring individuals from doing external research seems to me a reaction to the new reality dexcribed above.

    Unfortunately for them its precisely the opposite from what their marketplace is demanding. So like King Canute attempting to stem the tide they will fail. The Internet is a tidal force that sweeps all before it. Perhaps the hardline JW's who do not grasp the fact that they have compartmentalized their lives and subcontracted their conscience - research everything you need to at the click of a mouse, except my religion, my way of life and my faith - will remain 'faithful' and not look behind the curtain. And in developing countries where large parts of the poulation have never made a phone call never mind seen the Internet may be willing to subjugate their right to full information for paradise 'soon'.

    Anderson makes the point that we are leaving the Information Age and moving into the Recommendation Age. Information is freely available -perhaps too much to cope without good filters. Personal recommnendation from trusted sources provide one of these filters. And yet the WTBS is still trying to control information - too late for that now.

    I recommend the book - no pun intended - also more info here

    Besty <of the amplified ant class>

  • TwentyYearsOut

    A good summing up what's going on the world/internet today. Good Post!

    [It's good to know that, in the long run, the little guy eventually will win.]

  • besty

    thanks 20YO - the worrying thing for me is that whilst the R&F don't seem to understand information control techniques, the WTBS have a very good grasp of the subject.

    Overall I'm optimistic but it will take time - unless a single massive event changes everything - would seem that the UN, child abuse, blood etc aren't big enough, so perhaps the ground-upwards approach will be the thing. That means we all have to play our part in spreading accurate information via the Internet at every opportunity.

    What that means in practice I'm not to sure...any takers?

  • besty


    <besty megaphone not switched on>

  • Pubsinger

    I've said it before but JWs are literally "one click away from the Truth"

    I believe it'll take one more generation () before everyone is googling every WT word to check it's validity.

    20 years tops I reckon.

  • TwentyYearsOut

    This generation will by no means pass away...

  • besty

    In light of recent speculation I thought I'd dust this off for any who might have missed it 1st time round.


  • Satanus

    Never mind the wt org, people in general haven't been much better. They have been following trends, fads, corporate advertising, doctors's drug recommendations on faith, etc. Sounds like the general population is wising up a bit. It gives hope.

    By the way, thanks for summing up the book in a nutshell. Saves me reading it;)


  • sacolton

    This couldn't be more true in cases of people versus RIAA and MPAA. Years ago, people had no voice ... now, they do and things are changing. The whole business structure needs a overhaul.

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