Calling all home brewers!

by B_Deserter 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • B_Deserter

    So who here brews? I've been doing it for about a year now and it's loads of fun. I grew my own hop vines this year and I'm going to be making a batch with fresh ones this year.

  • nvrgnbk

    Never brewed outside of Bethel.

    But I'll gladly give you an expert opinion on your efforts. LOL!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Always wanted to look into it. Never did. Should I? And where do I start?


  • Es

    Is it easy to do? Im buying hubby his first home brew kit for Christmas, and im just hoping it has everything he needs as I have no idea when it comes to this


  • RollerDave

    I've homebrewed more than a time or two.

    Mostly Scotch Ale, although I would like to buy an old fridge for lagering.


  • B_Deserter

    You brewed beer in bethel?! How? Did you have access to the kitchen or are there stoves in the dorms? Does that make Bethel the witness version of the beer-making monasteries of Europe?

  • nvrgnbk
    How? Did you have access to the kitchen or are there stoves in the dorms? Does that make Bethel the witness version of the beer-making monasteries of Europe?


  • nicolaou

    I make wine from vines in my garden, it's actually quite nice! I now have 4 vines and hope to be able to produce about 20 bottles each year. In addition, we also make dolmades using the vine leaves. It's a Greek Cypriot recipe where you use a little minced lamb mixed with rice, mint and seasoning rolled up in a vine leaf and cooked slowly, mmmmmm.

    Nic' - it's great to be greek!

  • MadTiger

    I assisted friends with a batch, and wanted to start again, but I didn't have the time to do it. It is very enjoyable if you do it right.

    Sanitize, clean, sanitize!!!

  • PrimateDave

    I did several times, but it's been years since the last batch. I've still got the glass carboy, the food grade buckets, and the various valves, hoses, bottle capper, etc. I used to buy the kits with the malt, hops, caps, and instructions in a box. The only other thing I needed was non-screw-cap bottles. So, technically you can use old Coca-Cola bottles for your favorite stout. "Uh, no, officer. I haven't been drinking. See, it's a Coke."


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