From the Watchtower Oct 1, 2002

by biblexaminer 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • biblexaminer

    We read from the Oct 1, 2002 Watchtower

    Pioneering A Way Of Life
    In these last days, as we draw ever closer to Armageddon, we realize just how important the imminent approach of Armageddon makes the preaching work. We also see how salvation can resuly from this most important work. If we take the example of the fourteen brothers and sisters who were working full time, making use of the "world to the full", then we can easily see the importance of emphasis on the work. Had these fourteen Christians been immersed in the pioneer work, then they would still be alive today, as they would have been out preaching and not have been found in the WTC on that fateful day, 9-11-01

    So there we have it. Let's preach what we know, and know what we preach.... and we'll all be in pair of dice.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    This is a joke, right?


    They didn't really say that, no way.

  • gumby

    What if they had been in the pioneer work and the 14 of them was taking a coffee break at macdonalds and a gunman came in and killed them all? They would all have survived had they been at their full time job and not at macdonalds. What a stupid argument!!!!!

  • dedalus

    Can someone confirm this quote? I have no reason to doubt BX, but ... this seems too much.


    P.S. Doh! 2002, okay.

  • FormerOne

    So what they're saying is that you should no longer hold a job? These people were out working to pay for homes, clothes, food for their families? Instead they should have been out preaching at 8:45 a.m.? I'd like to read the rest of this article!

  • Gopher

    Dedalus and Former one,

    The 10/01/02 Watchtower hasn't been published yet. However, our mole Biblexaminer has surreptitously obtained the computer files one year in advance, and has provided what MAY be printed then for our spiritual edification.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • RR

    Well I looked at the 10/01/01 WT and don't see anything like that, unless BX gives us a page number.

    I Still Believe ....

  • RunningMan


    "Our faith was strengthened this summer when we heard that two elderly Witnesses were killed by
    flood waters while attending the summer District Assembly at the Houston Astrodome. While some
    thrill seekers were risking their lives at the convention, a number of our young pioneer brothers were
    modestly partaking of alcoholic beverages, while observing well-endowed young women at the local
    Hooter's. Their forethought in skipping the sessions saved thier lives, and perhaps even sent a
    powerful message to others who may have observed thier behaviour. May we all exhibit a spirit like
    this. Indeed, our very lives depend on it!"


    You`ve got it all wrong.amagedon is coming in 1975!! Check;AWAKE April 5,1968. ARTICLE:1975 what do`s it mean to you? All we have to do is wait for time to go backwards. Now dosen`t that seam as resonable as anything else they have to say?

  • biblexaminer

    I can't believe that I caught a few of you :)

    Look at the date. Watchtower material is written 6 months in advance.

    The "joke" article is "2002", a year away. Only one person caught that?

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