The madness begins...the initial Witnesss contact...

by WLG 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WLG

    So I've been calling all day to different folks.I just spoke to my full brother who just drove 16 hours to get there. he was all weird on the phone I noticed, then I figured out why. My SupermegafillthysorichIgottabuy2newtruckseveryyeartosavemoneyontaxes Uncle is there with his wife.So there they are...the Presiding Overseer (wonder why?),his wife who has seen my dad have 6(!?!?!?!) wifes so far, my dad, and his mail order $26,000 wife.

    I found out later that my mom had gone there. She beleives in witchcraft now. Especially when she goes there and sees them. she loads up on witch jewelery and wears all black all the time. My mom said she thought it was funny that they seemed to think she had nerve being there.

    My Dad is a wreck. I leave tomorrow driving from DC to East Texas.

  • poppers

    Your mom sounds cool.

  • freedomloverr

    oh joy. bring on the insanity....

    hang in there. come on here and vent when you need to. we are all thinking about you....

    so sorry you have to deal with all of them during this hard time.

  • WLG

    That's the thing. The death is bad enough without the other crap.

    My mom just happened to be in town...good thing or I probably still wouldn't know.

  • purplesofa

    there is always so much drama with funerals

    i am so sorry for you


  • Hortensia

    well your mother sounds as though she could provide some distraction. I like her sense of humor. I'm sorry about your loss, though, and hope the funeral isn't too awful for you.

  • FlyingHighNow
    That's the thing. The death is bad enough without the other crap.

    Death brings out the absolute worst in a family.

    Then again, if it's a healthy family, death brings out the absolute best.

    WLG. Hugs.

  • fedorE

    somewhere there is a tv sitcom producer thats reading this and will soon develope an new JW sitcom ..i cant wait!! lmfao....

    (but im not making fun of ur situation im just amazed its all part of our world)

  • WLG

    The problem with the JW stories is that the set up takes so long, if you don't know the bakckground, the joke isn't funny.

  • ex-nj-jw



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