Do The Math II

by silentlambs 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • silentlambs

    The following is a few emails I exchanged with Carlos Mora. I ask you to read them and see if you might find a better way to appeal to someone with this mind set. Perhaps it will help to understand the way a good portion of JW’s will reason on the child molestation issue. Sad…


    do your children are safer within the Jehovah's Witnesses than in any other organization........

    if you compare the cases of child molestation and other acts with the stories of happiness and success ....the success stories will overwhelm all other negative stories.......

    i understand you are bitter.......but are an exception....and i believe that it is irresponsible for you to label the Jehovah's Witnesses the way you do. your your math.....and you will find the truth..........

    --- Carlos Mora

    I appreciate your candid response as many seek to understand this problem and form different opinions as to how to address it. I have studied this carefully and tried to effect changes from within for many months to no avail.

    Let me assure you I have no axe to grind with the Society. If they change policy to protect children the website will go down the next day. When you look into the eyes of a victim and see the pain, or speak to them over the telephone and hear the sadness that was caused by wt policy it is very motivating. For every story that is posted there are five that can't find the courage. Young lives destroyed with little remorse from those who perpetrate this wickedness.

    I am tired, it is hard to lose everyone you have known over trying to stand up for what is right. Yet when you see the look of hope in pained eyes or read a tear stained letter from an appreciative victim for finally being believed or listen to the sobbing voice on your answering machine saying, "I thought I was the only one," it fuels the fire of determination to see this thorough to the end. If Jehovah would bless any effort it would have to be one that protects children.

    It is my hope you will see the truth of this problem, that you will take out a pen and write a letter to the Society and request they stop hurting children. Three things they must do. Three things that have been on the table of the Governing Body since 1992 and yet they continue to refuse to act on behalf of children.

    They are:
    1. If your child is molested go to the police first.
    2. No congregation privileges ever for a child molesters.
    3. No field service for child molesters.

    I wonder how many children have been hurt by the Governing Body's inaction since 1992? The children's blood is on their hands and I hope God helps them to see this.

    I wish you peace, read my website fully and perhaps you see why it is ethically and morally right to protect children.


    i understand your bitterness and anxiety....i really do......but the Fact remains......this

    is only a hand full of cases is a small percentage of child molestation cases

    .........The Witnesses don't advocate child molestation....and for you to label the entire

    organization responsible for the few misfortunes is ridiculous, irresponsible and just plain

    out unfair...............your like the women who was raped by a black man and

    consequently blames the entire black understand my point.......thank you

    for responding to my first e-mail........


    Again you seem to misinterpt and jump to the wrong conclusion. I am not bitter, I am HAPPY to be truly helping people. I have never said witnesses advocate child molesters knowingly. They on the other hand support wt policy which protects pedophiles. That is a truth you must face. If you choose not to do that I am sad for you as it would appear you are to afraid to face the reality that so many have had to. I do not blame all JW's for hiding child molesters only those who support wt policy when asked and do not stand up for children. I hope you are not one of these individuals who are no doubt blood guilty before Jehovah for their actions. You asked me in your original email to do the math. In six months I have personally spoken to over one thousand victims that were treated horribly by wt policy. I have yet to find ONE who had a good experience when their child was molested. The math seems to go in the other direction. I include with this post a story from England that I was sent today, it will go up on the website in a couple of days. Do you really believe these witnesses are lying just to make the Society look bad. I think you could do a much better job with another type story. I have spoken personally with this man, he was very afraid to put the story on the site because he has a large witness family and was afraid of what they would do to them. Yet he said if it would help others he would take that risk. I identify this as true courage from someone who has suffered much pain. I am honored to know and help persons like this.

    From my experience I think you are totally misinformed as far as it being a small percentage. You once again suffer from wt policy. Unless you are an elder you will never know about the child molesters in your congregation. In three short years in a small congregation of fifty publishers we had five child molesters reported to the elders. No one in the congregation knows of even one of these cases. None ever reported to the police as directed by wt legal. In five surrounding congregations each had molestations in the last two years. I do not think where I live as a special haven for child molesters yet those are the facts. As a publisher within the organization you are protected from these nasty details and will never find out till a pedophile molests your child. Then you will find first hand what wt policy is. I hope you never have to face that. I hope reading this will make you think and be more careful who you trust your children with. I hope also you find the courage to educate yourself on this matter and lend your voice to the many who are asking wt to protect the children.


    the story:

    In 1988 our eldest daughter told us that she had been sexually molested by my nephew she cant remember when it started as she was so young but remembers the last time when he and his wife stayed at our home for the night , they were both pioneers at the time.
    An elder was present the time our daughter told us about the abuse. He advised me to speak to him on my own as he lived quite away from us, but also not to speak to the police or tell my fleshly brother who was an elder at the time. My nephew admitted straight away to me that he had indeed molested my daughter, but didn’t explain what he had done and I didn’t ask because of his admission. My fleshly brother did find out and went to speak to the elders of his sons congregation, he came back, it had gone to the governing body and their reply was that we had to forgive and forget and not to take your spiritual brother to court.
    He was not reproved because he said he was not baptized at the time, which was a lie. When we tried to get to the truth, we were told over and over again to leave it in Jehovah’s hands which we did.
    In 1994 our youngest daughter told us her uncle who is not a JW had been sexually molesting her since the age of 8 he was arrested with the backing of the brothers who knew. It was him, that told the police that he was not the Pedophile but my nephew was, so the police came to see me and advised us to prosecute him, we then advised our daughter to take it to the courts.
    She said she would, and she did. We later found many lies in his police statement. We asked many times to get help from the elders to sort out the lies, not only from my nephew but also from my fleshly brother ( who was elder), but we were told they would not get involved, all the while my brother was getting to know anything he wanted, because he was an elder .He did everything to stop us discussing the matter.
    The none J.W uncle was charged with serious assault on my youngest daughter and his own daughter. He was found guilty and given a total of 59 years but will only serve 8 years when he is set free.
    My nephew who admitted to just 2 charges of sexual assault backed up by a report we could not read about he was only given community service and got away lightly.
    He blamed my daughter for the break down of his marriage because it was brought to court, in fact it was not true, as he had committed immorality with two witness sisters. And was found out guess what, because he admitted it, he again was not reproved. He later remarried in the Kingdom Hall.


    WT policy in my opinion is reasonable.........because of people like you ....the witnesses are only trying to protect their name.....some people might blow things out of proportion and point their finger at the entire organization..

    .by the not a studying....just looking for more personal information on Apostates and if they make any sense.....i learned to seek for the truth and that is exactly what im doing....seeking answers.... far i haven't a good reason on how the witnesses could be a danger to my general we always have to take necessary precautions on who interacts with our children...

    .just because i might be a witness some day ...doesn't mean i'll put my guard down..

    ..child molestation is everywhere....i bet there were even some child molesters during the Israelites among Jehovah's people.....that didn't stop them from being his people............


    I think you will make a good witness and be an excellent supporter of wt policy. Some day you will remember what I tried to help you reason on and be sad for not listening.

    As you may recall Charles Manson has people who protect his name down to this day, that does not make what he caused to happen right and that also does not make every thing he did wrong. Yet evidence shows people were murdered due to the policy he instigated of absolute control over his followers. I guess a few misguided individuals could say the authorities blew the whole thing out of proportion and gave all Manson followers a bad rap. The dead bodies argue otherwise.

    So you can argue all you want about how I am blowing this issue out of proportion. The victims page says molested children argue otherwise.


  • Trilobite


    Again, the obivous response is that the Society could make a small "mathematical" change which would change the supposed "handful" into a negligible amount. The responses you have already received show an ignorance of both statistics and humanity.

    On a bigger note: the way we operate is crap. AJWRB has failed, so far, partly because it was so hesitant about soliciting money. Will silentlambs be the same? I hope not. The JW mindset prevails even after we think we are free.

    Fuck, Bill, what bigger issues could we have; what more "opportune time"? Set up a giant paypal account, run by you, at your ultimate discretion, but accepting suggestions from all who donate, and not confined to to a single issue. Lee Elder is all about blood, silentlambs is all about child abuse. According to you, if the Society changed the rules on abuse you'd be happy and would close your site. Lee'd be happy if they accepted new rule son blood. Ain't gonna happen. Damn it all guys, the org. is corrupt and so let's go after that. Life does not work in the way that you seem to think it does. These guys do not give a fuck. It is a delusion to ask for change on a specific issue, you have to slam them wholesale.

    You guys, however, have gone so far complaints. It's just that if you really want change then the gloves have to be burned.


  • WildHorses

    "your like the women who was raped by a black man and

    consequently blames the entire black race"

    Isn't this exactly what our visiter in the chat room was telling us the other night? MrTony, I think was his name. The only difference is that Tony used the word Ni**er.


    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • Ranchette
    [email protected]

    all i have to say is if anyone molests a child I know or that is close to me like a family member. The last thing im doin is going to police. Because all we are doin is puttin that asshole back in the system were he will be protected. So if it is a guy his penis and nuts will get choppped off and stuffed down and his throat and if its a woman molester his tits will get cutt off and vagina sown up. may sound prety sick I know but not as sick as someone screwing a child.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Holy Resurrection of a thread Batman!!


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