Another actual chat dialouge with my Witness friend...

by deaconbluez 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • deaconbluez

    If you guys remember some of the previous conversations I have posted between us, she is heavily indoctrinated with every facet of Watchtower World. Lately, we've been talking about her serious relationship with a non-Witness. He tried studying, but just couldn't agree to go along with the wackiness. So, this conversation picks up as we talk about their relationship in light of how Witnesses view dating non-Witnesses.


    I say:
    with most witnesses, it is unthinkable to date somebody that's not a witness

    She says:
    i know

    I say:
    so it actually does say a lot about you

    I say:
    i don't mean that in a bad way

    I say:
    but for you, its no problem

    I say:
    what would that say about someone if you were an observer?

    She says:
    that they weren't strong in the truth

    I say:

    I say:
    some would even say that you are breaking an outright scriptural commandment for Christians at 2 Corinthians 6, "do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers"

    She says:
    and to marry only in the lord

    I say:

    I say:
    so, as of now, you are going against that Witness teaching

    She says:
    thanks, feel much better

    I say:
    notice how i didn't say you were going against the scriptural teaching, though

    I say:
    because you're not

    She says:
    why not

    I say:
    because your boyfriend "believes" in Jesus and that he died for us and by his death we have salvation, right?

    She says:

    I say:
    that is the message of christianity...nothing else

    I say:
    therefore, he isn't an unbeliever

    She says:
    thats actually what i tell myself lol

    I say:
    the Witness teaching is another manipulation of scripture that adds an organizational element to it, by implying that if the other person isn't a baptized, publisher-card on record member of Jehovah's Witnesses...then they are an unbeliever

    I say:
    that doesn't make them an unbeliever in the sense that Paul was talking makes them an unbeliever of the policies of a human organization

    She says:
    thats how i feel about it actually

    I say:
    check out this quote

    I say:
    "Beware of "organization." It is wholly unnecessary. The Bible rules will be the only rules you will need. Do not seek to bind others' consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours. Believe and obey so far as you can understand God's Word today."

    I say:
    you know who said that?

    She says:

    I say:

    She says:
    you told me that quote before

    I say:
    and he would be disfellowshipped today if he were alive and publishing that

    I say:
    the Witnesses have done a complete 180 from that view that he held...and he was the chosen "faithful slave" at that time

    She says:
    i gotta get ready for my meeting

    She says:
    thanks for the ... encouragement? i guess u can call it that lol

    I say:
    just think outside of the organizational confinements

    I say:
    do yourself some good

    I say:
    reflect on john 14:16-17 tonight if you can

    She says:
    good scripture


    Maybe she is slowly coming to her senses. We can only hope.

  • megsmomma

    Good job reasoning through things with her. Sounds like she is listening since she remembered you already quoted Russel!! COOOOOOL!

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Now why did I get the feeling that that was a part on the platform?? lol

  • bebu

    Great conversation! I"ll bet you feel really pumped by that--and you should. You nailed the center of the whole cult process: surgically removing God and replacing Him with itself.

    I hope she'll be leaving soon... her boyfriend will be thanking you as well, I hope.


  • RollerDave


    Good job reasoning, I also liked the fact she remembered the quote.

    We all do what we can, and I can see you're doing your part!


  • B_Deserter

    The fact that she's even talking to you after saying those things means she isn't a very hardcore witness, except maybe in the eyes of others.

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