Do children know about sin?

by lisavegas420 5 Replies latest social family

  • lisavegas420

    While shopping with Heaven, my oldest granddaughter today, we were chatting. I asked her if she knew what "sin" was. She said, "Not really." I said "Have you heard about it at anytime that you remember?" She said, "Only in the song."

    I said, "Really, which song is that?" She said "the song by Meredith Brooks, you know, 'I'm a sinner, I'm a saint.' "

    I say 'Oh good example." She constantly amazes me. I didn't even know she knew that song. "Ok, then, what do you think they mean by "im a sinner, I'm a saint?" She says, "I think they mean a little good, a little bad."

    "Yes, I said, "that's what I think. So what do you think the "sin thing" was that she did in the song?" She thought for a minute, ran the song over in her head, and finally said, "I don't think they say."

    "Well what do you think the "sin" or "bad thing" could be?" I ask.

    She says, "It would probably be, stealing, killing, stuff like that." I said, 'How do you know that those things are wrong?"

    She answers, "Those things are against the law. I watch the news, I know you can be arrested for stuff like that. No one had to tell me." one had to tell her.

    Happy Birthday are the most wonderful, brilliant, intellegent 10 year old I have ever met.


    Just sharing.


  • hilannj

    awwww.. that is so sweet, and wonderful that your family does not feel the need to let her in on the very grown up things that young JW children were taught.. Its sad when the JW kids are the ones tell the other kids on the playground grownup things.. but it seems that that happens more often than not because of the distorted since of the world that JWs have.

  • carla

    The things jw kids say! Just found out a favorite niece had a jw friend when she was little (around 6) and her jw friend kept telling her that by the year 2000 they would be playing with the animals in their yards!! and all the evil people would be gone! My niece never knew what the heck she was talking about and didn't have a clue about armageddon. Glad she never inquired further!

    Kids have a vague idea of sin, it's all relative. To them taking that cookie can be SIN! Do they have a healthy attitude towards what sin is and what forgiveness is? Depends on how the parents handle things and of course if they are subjected to cults & high control groups with twisted ideas. I think all children have a sense of justice though, they all seem to know what is fair and what is not. Again the kids with controlling family units are not allowed to utilize this natural part of the human condition. In the jw's they learn they must wait upon jah.

  • FreedomFrog


    Please let her know that I wish her...


    She is so pretty!


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    The human sense of "right" and "wrong" evolved long before we got religion.

    Cute kid. I hope she never believes in sin or sinners - just learns how to treat herself and others right. Lovely story!

  • lisavegas420

    I remember when I was her age. I told the kids at the babysitters about Jehovah and that Santa wasn't real. One of the parents called my parents and told them how upset that they were, and they didn't want me preaching to their children or telling them Santa wasnt' real.

    So my parents told me not to tell them anything else about Jehovah or about Santa not being real. I was really upset. I was so worried about my friends that were going to die....any day now.

    I'm just so relieved that my grandchildren never have to feel that kind of fear and terror, and they get to enjoy life without all the worrying. I was having stomach problems and headaches by this age...all because of the fear that was being drilled into me.


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