more of a realization..about 9-11

by lydia 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • lydia

    Has anyone else noticed - or has it escaped the general population that the date of the attack - 9-11 is also the number that we in the USA use when we are in need of assistance? I just wonder if that date was chosen for that reason also??


  • Esmeralda

    Hi Lydia,

    It occurred to me right away, and in fact when I talked to one of my sisters, she said that she had had an uneasy feeling the whole week before about the date, that 9-11 number made her nervous. Maybe she was having a premonition :(

    It is one of my husband's relatives b-days too. Wonder if he'll want to celebrate a different day next year. I wouldn't blame him...


  • Seeker

    Could just be a coincidence too. They probably timed it for the first clear weather day for flying, with the right type of flights to the West Coast, at the right time to have them be mostly empty, after preparing XXX, etc. That 9/11 provided the weather would then be coincidence.

  • Stash Daytripper
    Stash Daytripper

    All kinds of rumours about this date. I'm sure many people put the 9/11 911 coincidence together.

    Latest rumour i heard was it was Muhammeds bday.. /shrug haven't looked this up yet.

    Also I noticed on the UN website : SEPT 8 2000 .. the Taliban is officially rejected membership to the UN and were refused attendance to the 2000 summit in NY.
    1 year and 3 days later.. well...


  • Stash Daytripper
    Stash Daytripper

    Oh yeah.. i think the plans for the highjackings were actually postponed to 9-11.

    James Woods (actor) was on a plane a week prior and identified 4 men he felt made him uneasy. He overheard their conversation. He's not allowed to say much more than that.. but evidently the flight was delayed.


  • JanH

    Interesting. Hitler had to postpone the date for his attack on the Soviet Union due to some unforeseen events (the Italians gettings their butts kicked by the Greeks). He ended up attacking -- by coincidence, surely not by design! -- on the very same date when Napoleon had launched his disastrous 1812 attack on Russia.

    Not only was this a godsend to Russian propagandists, it no doubt caused some anxieties in the superstitious minds of some Germans.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • lydia

    I just can't seem to put it out ofmy head that it was done as a subliminal message to the USA that their security is no longer there. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it but I know from reading the history that the psychological part of the war was always there ( hitler having the place with 144 pillars built..ect..)

    Oh well, we may never know!

    Peace to all!


  • Cassiline

    Information from Time magazine, September 24, 2001, page 97...

    9/11/1922 Beginning of the British mandate in Palestine and the eventual creation of the Israeli State.

    9/11/1840 British bombing of Beirut in support of Turkey.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

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