Girls and slumber parties

by lisavegas420 1 Replies latest social family

  • lisavegas420

    Recently my daughter allowed her 10 year old daughter to have 7 friends over to spend the night. Ranging in age from 9-12.

    My daughter called and told me that she thought she take them to the "Moose" which is a private bar/club. I suggested she call each parent and make sure it was alright with them to take their children in a bar. Even if she considered it a family type place, others may not.

    So she called each parent, none had a problem. One parent said, the only thing she would ask that they don't do is a Ouija Board.

    I said..."Really, did she say why?" My daughter said, "She said the mother wanted to be the first one to work a Ouija Board with her daugher."

    Later that day, my daugher and granddaugher were over and picked up a twister game to play. My granddaugher asked if she could take a Ouija Board. My daughter told her no. So she asked, "What about Monopoly? Is that ok?"

    I just thought it was cute the way to her, a game was a game.

    Just sharing.


  • unique1

    Monopoly Oujia board, all the same.

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