A letter to...no one

by justhuman 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • justhuman

    If only they could listen to my fears, and my agony to help them and get them out of the Tower's Cell. My voice was just a hollowing wind to them, without even listening to what I wanted to say to them.

    How can I help them? I don't know any more? And I guess it doesn't matter anymore because it is all over now...nothing matters anymore to them, is just their llove to the 'organization' that is quilty for false prophecy, and the lost of innocent people in the Altar of Blood...It was hopeless, I couldn't fight the beast called Watchtower...I wasn't that strong.

    WT for 33 years like a vampire was sucking my blood, my life, my own existence, personality, and dreams. Then one day I realize that I couldn't continue anymore. I had to brake free, but it wasn't the most easiest thing to do, because my life was there, and everything I love. But I try to stay in order to keep the family together, but eventually I was turn to the elders from my own people for apostasy...I couldn't take it there anymore, their lies, their hypocrisy, and I left. I did this because I found Jesus, and once when you find Jesus, you have a strong urge to be with Him. I have seen the Light of the Lord, because He is the Light, and there is so much warm in the presence of my Lord. He invited me to be a friend of Him, and He ask me to take He's Blood and Flesh in order to inherit the Kindom of heavens. And I did take the Blood and the Flesh of my Lord, and no one will condemn me for doing it so. I know He give us life through faith in Him. That is what He asks from us. TO BELIEVE IN HIM. And I stand in front of Him at the Church, and I knee before Him, crying and I ask Him to forgive me because I'm a sinner, and He forgives me because He is Love.

    I broke the bonds and I have escape. I'm free but the price of my freedom was high enough for me, like many others that have broke free from the WT. My price was a broken family, loneliness, depression, and the agony that my children will have to go through the same hell that I have been through. Oh God there is so much pain. Sometimes I sit and I wonder how can I stand this pain. Sometimes I feel there is no end to it, and pain has become my best friend now. The people taht I love and I care they love WT more than everything...I have been accused for lot of things... liar, devil's tool, evil, demon possed...but I only tried to help them, that's all, and I didn't know how...my efford was hopeless...they just can see..blinded by the 'light'.

  • nvrgnbk

    to you brother

    I can really relate.

    Take good care justhuman!

    There are some good comments from some wise posters on the subject of our shared pain on this thread:

    Are we in love with our own pain?

    Peace to you,


  • BFD

    Sometimes it feels good just to get things out. It somehow eases our pain. It looks like you have found a friend in Jesus. Some can find comfort in Him and rely on His strength to get through the tough times.

    Best of luck to you.


  • purplesofa

    Thank you so much for sharing.

    I can feel the emotion coming from your heart.

    I hope you can comfort yourself with the pain you

    experiance. I imagine you dig deep within yourself,

    find and feel love to go on.


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