Person search...

by bluesbreaker59 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesbreaker59

    Ok, I had some friends leave the borg...

    One was a child hood friend, whose parents moved to WA. Her name was Audrey Senore (should be 26 or so now), I heard through the grapevine she ran off or something. Also another friend, Tim Lockwood (should be 26 -27) both of these, were childhood and teenage friends of mine, and last I heard, both were DF'd, if you know them or know where they're at, hit me with a PM. Thanks.

    I been trying to reconnect with some people that were in that left as teens and we were friends, most moved, but I kept track of them, because I knew they were moving. These two, I just totally lost track, because the moves were so sudden.

  • misanthropic
  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Great topic Blues, sorry I don't know them. Does anyone know Jennifer Nolan, from Palmdale/Lancaster area, she had a baby his name is Drew, she is about 34-36?? She was friends with Johnny Raider.

  • bluesbreaker59

    Well I posted here in hopes that maybe one of the two of them had "washed up" here. You never know, and I counted both as good friends. Tim and I played lots of hours of basketball together, and I used to love talking to Audrey when her dad gave talks at our hall. Nice people. I also remember when I played Lynyrd Skynyrd at Tim's HS graduation party and his parents unplugged it. They took him to the side, and then put on some Kingdom melodies, which was "proper" music for the friends.

  • DJK

    Have you tried, or Another is

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm sorry but I don't know anyone by that name. I'm from Washington state, too. I'm looking for the White, Anderson, and Paas families from Vancouver, Washington. Anyone know them? We were friends but they left before I did so we went out of touch. By now, Tiny is quite the notorious 'postate. He has a daughter named Marjie

  • Jim_TX

    If you know a few more details about these people, like middle name/initial - and/or last known city/state, it would make it a lot easier to locate them.

    There are a couple of good search engines that can give you a bit of info on where they may now be.

    'Intellius People search'



    Good Luck,

    Jim TX

  • Wordly Andre

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