Is "Sin" a Person?

by Marcel 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Marcel

    Hi ppl!

    since creation was perfect before sin and isnt after there is the question what did "sin" to us?
    it made us imperfect! how can "sin" do that?

    since our (and creations) imperfection wasnt just punching some holes into a perfect shape but a act of design ( is the question WHO did this act of design? (as we know from WTS teaching, any complex object NEEDS a constructor)

    since "Sin" isnt a person (is it?) it has to be someone else.
    my mum used to blame satan for it, when i asked her that question (when i was 12 or somthing :-O).

    was it god who did it? is that righteous?

    whats your opinion on that?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    since creation was perfect before sin

    Firstly, where does it say creation was ever perfect?

    Sin, for me at least, isn't a 'list of stuff I did wrong', not the actual acts themselves, but the state of my relationship with God - I choose to rebel against him, nobody - not even satan makes me do it.

    So I suppose to answer your question I don't see sin as either a 'someone' or a 'something' that was designed or created.

  • alphafemale

    'God' has nothing to do with it. Sin is a man made concept. It's a control mechanism invented by cynical men who wished to control other people for their own selfish ends.

  • Marcel

    @sad emo

    at least it got worse in some way after adam&eve was thrown out of paradise...

  • emptywords

    Sin is thinking for one self that is being independant from God (which has laws) thinking outside those laws is a sin and death is the punishment.

    Some consider breaking the laws of man constitutes breaking the laws of God, but studying the bible shows the Gods laws have been contaminated with the what man thinks as better and adds to the law only to make the person of God a slave to mans laws (added) rather than the one law that is Gods law of love.


  • fifi40

    Sin is a title given to an action, taken by an indivudal, that goes against a direct order from a man who says it was inspired of God (if you believe in him)

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    at least it got worse in some way after adam&eve was thrown out of paradise...

    Marcel, I'm not a Biblical literalist so I couldn't comment on that lol!

    You got me thinking though - did it actually get any worse? - each individual is born on a level pitch in relation to God (I'm assuming you started this thread on the assumption that there is a creator) free to choose whether to walk his way (basically do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with him) or to sin (ie rebel against him). It seems the 'worsening' situation is still down to individual responsibility - so for an example amongst others, the population increases and so does the number of people who rebel = worsening situation.

    I'd repeat my original thought - I don't think sin is a created thing/person - it is a state of rebellion against God on each individual's part.

    I do like this comment by emptywords (I like the whole post actually, but this bit especially!):

    Some consider breaking the laws of man constitutes breaking the laws of God

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