I had Mormans show up at my door

by Irish Rose 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Irish Rose
    Irish Rose

    Since moving to this area I have had 2 JW ladies show up at my door, twice. I did not let on to my past. I just want the past to remain that way. And today, for the very first time in my whole life there were 2 young morman lads show up. (I really don't like the Morman Religion) But I did notice that they are very simular on what they say to over come the "I'm not intrested". In my case I told them that I was a Born Again Christian, hoping that they would just go away. But then they wanted to know what church I went to. In my case, I go to several different churches. (I don't want to get bogged down with any of the legalism, that I had to deal with as a JW. This part in parences I did not tell them.) Anyways when I told them that I went to several different churches, they did not have a response to that. Later when my husband woke up, he was a little upset. His favorite thing is giving those folks a hard time. Before we moved, his favorite game was to chase after the JWs. Especially this one that was a cart pusher at the local store.

  • candidlynuts

    aww your husband missed out on his fun!

    i've never had mormans at my door i dont think.. i remember some riding bikes and pausing in front of our house..i figured they saw we were too poor to be useful in their religion

  • RollerDave

    I had some once, they told me about 'Adam/Jehovah' and said when we die we get our very own shiny new planet!

    They quoted me in genesis, 'you will become like god, knowing good from bad, etc'

    I backed up a verse to who said that stuff, stupid buggers never looked before I guess cuz they like totally wigged out!

    I found it pretty hilarious at the time.

    Roller, of the alchohol soaked sheep class

  • Angry_Kangaroo

    A group of Mormons came by my parent's home when I was 17. I answered the door in a pair of short shorts and t shirt with no bra. They just stood there staring at me...they asked if my parents were home, I told them no, then more staring and mumbling. I don't think a pair of 19 yr old guys were prepared to meet a somewhat scantily clad girl at the door.

  • smellsgood

    You should have just snickered and asked them if they were wearing their temple undies. Then asked them if they believed that Jewish people came to the Americas 2000 years ago, and when they said yes, ask them why they weren't laughing so hard that they peed in their temple undies.

  • Mum

    Out here in the west, there are lots of Mormons. I have worked with quite a few. On a personal level, I liked almost all of them. Some of them, particularly the guys, were the "class clown" type. They were very discreet, rarely discussing religious issues on the job. A couple of them were very close with a JW co-worker. They're like everyone else, with family problems, personal problems, financial problems, emotional problems, physical problems. Just like the rest of us, they're doing what they think is right.



  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Invite them in, offer to sit down and talk about Maroni of a cup of coffee

  • bluebell

    when i was a lil dub i was visiting a friend and mormons knocked on the door, they weren't going to answer (but still ok to moan if people don't answer to us) and so i answered - and told them i didn't believe in god and they left!!! my friends mom was shocked, but hey it was the one that always made me walk away in their situation! hehe

  • reneeisorym

    A friend of mine wanted to marry a Mormon guy and she had to get baptized as one to be able to marry him. So on her studies, she had me go with her. I wasn't much for arguing -- I was just being curious. But then we both went to the bathroom and she said -- "Those boys are so HOT!" and we came out giggling and they asked what was funny. I said, "We were wondering if you boys weren't allowed to be alone with us because the leaders were worried that we just might start an orgy." They both turned red while we gave them subductive looks. I still laugh about that one!

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