Chat conversation with an active Witness! (LONG, BUT A MUST-READ)

by deaconbluez 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • deaconbluez

    Today I had a chat on MSN messenger with about the only friend that I still have in the organization. They don't know that I'm not a Witness anymore. This conversation just goes to show how Witnesses are completely incapable of having a conversation. And I don't mean, they resort to arguing and debate. That would be a dream come true. But no, they literally can't enter into a dialouge beause of the level of mind-control that has taken over any ability to form cognative thought. I think from now on when I encounter a Witness, I am just going to smile and give them a cracker. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the following dialouge:

    I say:
    did you see what the pope said that's making headlines?

    She says:
    i dunno if this is a joke lol but i think i heard something about the pope but i forget

    I say:

    I say:
    no for real

    I say:
    he claims that all other churches/religions aren't truly Christian...only the Catholic church

    She says:
    oh yeaaa

    She says:
    David told me and we both shared a loud laugh

    I say:

    I say:
    found it funny, did you?

    She says:

    I say:
    but this is kinda like what we were talking about yesterday

    I say:
    perception is reality

    I say:
    witnesses claim the SAME thing...that all other religions, although they claim to be, aren't truly Christian

    She says:
    what i found funny though was that its the catholic church

    I say:

    I say:
    i bet others think its funny when the Witnesses say the same thing

    She says:
    well we arent the ones who supported hitler

    She says:
    so whatev

    I say:

    I say:
    rutherford praised Hitler in one of his writings haha

    She says:
    where was that

    I say:
    in his 1934 book "enemies"

    I say:
    praised hitler for his dictatorial style of the context of people not being worthy to choose their form of government

    I say:
    all at the same time, he bashed the U.S., (the government that allowed him to exercise his freedom of speech) haha

    I say:
    the irony is delicious

    She says:
    that reminds me, at work my friend was ripped a new one by the managers because he closed the bar down poorly

    I say:

    She says:
    and after about 20 mins of tearing him to shreds, our GM says "oh, but you have some good things to"

    She says:
    and he lost it

    I say:

    She says:
    hes like blah blah hitler had some good things too, he was a great propaganist

    She says:
    i dunno how to spell that

    I say:
    pffft who cares

    I say:
    he was insane

    She says:
    thats the the point

    I say:
    and Witnesses can't say, "well we never supported Hitler"...check your history

    She says:
    the point is, it was funny

    She says:
    hmm cry more

    I say:

    She says:
    i was meaning that we wouldnt go along with it just so we wouldnt die

    I say:
    nobody that was in Germany was in a position to make that deal

    She says:
    how do people say the holocaust didnt happen?

    She says:
    i dont get it

    I say:
    i'm talking about something that Rutherford wrote while sitting at his desk in his San Diego mansion that he used the Society's money to buy, claiming that the house would be used by Noah, Moses, King David, and Abraham when they were to be resurrected in 1925.

    I say:
    <-- lol

    She says:
    el oh el

    I say:
    I just think that you shouldn't cast David out in the darkness because of his views/doubts

    I say:
    it seems they are well-founded

    She says:
    who says i "cast him in the darkness"

    I say:
    well i know how we are taught to view people's opinions and viewpoints that are "of the world"

    She says:
    i think hes right

    I say:
    right about what?

    She says:
    that i just accept without studying first

    She says:
    you say the same too

    I say:
    well you do

    I say:
    check this out

    I say:
    hey lets say i worked for you, and you were my boss

    I say:
    and we were close friends as well

    I say:
    we get our job done every day and make good money

    I say:
    well one day, a stranger calls you and says, "I have information that will lead you to fire Jason. If you would like to hear this information, call me back at this number. If you want to act like this phone call never happened, simply ignore it. The choice is your's."

    I say:
    so as a friend, you drag me into your office and say, "what the freak is this? what is this dude talking about?" and i say, "oh, whatever you do, don't call him back. ignore it, because he is lying!"

    I say:
    what would you do?

    She says:
    ignore it

    I say:
    even if it could put your business in jeopardy?

    I say:
    even though it seems suspicious that i wasn't willing to face my accuser?

    She says:
    why would it put my business in jeopardy

    I say:
    because it could be ANYTHING

    I say:
    information about something i'm doing that, if found out, it could cause the business to shut down

    She says:
    how do i know that its that bad of info

    I say:
    you don't yet

    I say:
    all you know is that this stranger claims it is bad enough to get me fired, and possibly more

    She says:
    well if i have no reason to not trust you, then i would believe you that it was a lie

    I say:
    like jail time or something

    I say:
    you are a non-confrontational type it seems

    She says:

    I say:
    but what if i, as your employee, seemed to have a blank past? you couldn't find any records of previous employment, education, or anything

    She says:
    except i can be confrontational when the situation calls for it

    I say:
    it just seemed like i appeared out of nowhere

    I say:
    would that make you want to pursue the info?

    She says:

    I say:
    but we are close friends at this point, remember

    She says:
    as your boss i would prolly be like i feel i need to know this, but im giving you the option of coming clean

    I say:
    but when it comes down to it, you really have no reason to trust or not trust me

    I say:
    ok so you give me the option of coming clean

    I say:
    so i say, "there's no truth to it. the best thing to do is just drop it."

    I say:
    that wouldn't satisfy most

    She says:
    that would make me suspicious

    I say:
    so after a while, you would probably call the stranger to get the scoop, wouldn't you?

    She says:

    I say:

    I say:
    well, here's my point

    I say:
    and remember, this is coming from somebody that has been baptized for 14 years, and someone who has made a life out of Bible study...

    I say:
    the Watchtower Society has hidden its past from us, especially from relatively new members like you...the publications that predicted the end would come in 1799, then 1914, then 1925, then 1975...all those publications can't and won't be printed or shipped anymore.

    I say:
    when asked about it, though, we're just told to disregard it, forget it...just chalk it up to imperfect men and the light getting brighter

    I say:
    now, here's the point

    I say:
    when we study with somebody, we tell them to question question question their pastors/clergy and show no mercy when it comes to questioning their doctrines, but when a Witness has a doubt, or finds something unscriptural among Witness teaching, it absolutely can't be questioned or challenged, lest you be referred to as a rebel or apostate

    I say:
    furthermore, of all the publications/writings out there by so called "apostates", we're told not to look at, to throw it away, to not give it one second of our thought

    I say:
    so the point is: If what these "apostates" have to say about the organization is right, no Witness will ever know. Similar to the job situation where the stranger calls you. If you were to listen to me and ignore the stranger, well, if what he had to say was true, you will never find out.

    She says:
    kk so youre telling me to read apostate literature nice

    I say:
    lol no

    I say:
    let me say it again for emphasis

    I say:
    If what these "apostates" have to say about the organization is right, no Witness will ever know.

    I say:

    I say:
    with our bible students, we tell them that if their current religion (baptist, catholic, whatever) is the truth, then they shouldn't be afraid to question it

    I say:
    because if it's the truth, what is there to lose? at the most, the examination will strengthen faith

    I say:
    BUT we don't allow that same principle to be used among ourselves

    I say:
    its the ultimate double-standard

    She says:

    She says:
    ive never been told i cant ask a certain question

    I say:
    yeah we can ask questions

    She says:
    out inservice with my PO and service overseer i always had convos with them about scriptures i didnt get, and one time about 1975

    I say:
    but when it comes down to something that you plainly see isn't scriptural, the dialouge ALWAYS ends with "well you'll just have to wait on Jehovah and not question his channel that he is using"

    I say:
    but see, most Witnesses now either don't know about 1975, or they believe a lie about it...the lie being that "it was never taught by the was just a bunch of eager brothers speculating"

    I say:
    where did you go?

    The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
    where did you go?

    After that, she went offline. Probably blocked me and will tell her dad that I am a dangerous apostate now and he needs to call the elders in my area!!! Oh noes!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Well done Deacon!!

    I really like the "stranger informant" idea. I'm surprised you got as far as you did.

    I'll tuck that one away.

    Open Mind

  • unique1

    She really can't be reasoned with. Reminds me of my dad.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    nice try. This about sums things up for me, though, trying to reason with scared Jdubs:

    The following message could not be delivered to all recipients: [whatever was said that indicated the Society might be wrong about more than minor details]


  • lonelysheep

    Wow, that was great, DB!!!

    You really drove some excellent points home in a casual, friendly way. Aside from their flip-flopping, the one that caught me was the way converts are supposed to question their current religion, and even write a DA letter to them!!!

    The final point was made very vividly that she probably went to throw up after the brainwashed dismissal of you.

  • deaconbluez

    Thanks guys. But my goal isn't to get accolades. I just want to do my Christian duty as outlined at Ephesians 5:11: "have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather, reprove them."

    The Witnesses prove altogether frustrating to talk to or reason with, because they are immune to logic. Because of their cognative dissonance, they won't admit to anything that is brought up exposing the Watchtower. Doing so would spoil their efforts to convert you into "God's organization".

    A chief sign of a cult is that members are convinced that they have the only truth, yet they do no research or examination to make sure of it. But if you can somehow plant one small wedge of doubt in a Witness mind, the possibilities can be endless.

  • ex-nj-jw

    They just shut down when it's something they can't explain or don't want to! Amazing


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