Say What?

by RR 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    Someone sent this to me apparently on

    Contrasting Bro. Russell with the leaders of these movements (such as Ellen G. White of the Adventists), the article says :

    Russell was unlike many of his reformation-minded contemporaries in that he did not preach a special approach to God, did not boast of divine visions or revelations, did not discover esoteric messages in the form of hidden books or otherwise, and never claimed to be able to heal the physically sick.

    White DID in fact claim to experience divine revelations, which fact alone would make the Adventists 'spiritual cousins' of the Mormons, perhaps. Jehovah's people, on the other hand, essentially have no spiritual ties to ANY false religions. (2 Cor. 6:15)

    Isn't it ironic, that Russell didn't teach this things, but yet claiming him as their "modern day father" they have done exactly what he didn't. And that is special approach to God through the FDS go in turn go to Jesus who in turn go to Jehovah. Who boast of their works [powers] although there is proof that Rutherford did dabble in the occult and spiritism. And they claim truth can only be found in their books. They may never lciam to 'heal' physically, but they often boast of all the lives they have changed.

    I Still Believe ....

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