How Harry Potter will end... Theory and possible Spoiler Alert

by CaptainSchmideo 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • CaptainSchmideo

    For those familiar with the series:

    It was prophesied that the final battle between the child born on Harry's birthday would destroy Voldemort, and I seem to remember the implication that they will both be destroyed.

    However, there were two children born on that date. Harry....and Neville Longbottom.

    Isn't it just possible that all this attention on Harry is just a diversion to distract Voldemort and his people from the real threat, which would be Neville? Also, it's convenient for J K Rowling:

    Harry survives, Voldemort is destroyed, a "comedy relief character" finishes the series as a tragic hero, and Rowling can't be accused of coming up with a cheap trick to resolve the story.

    I think this theory has merit. Anyone care to poke holes in it?

  • misanthropic

    I've actually hard this theory which I believe might be right. I have also heard people speculate that Albus Dumbledore is really Harry Potter...

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I don't think so. J.K has said it will be harry and voldemort. Also when this theory is brought up she points out how the prophecy states that 'the dark lord will mark him as his equal' this was done when Voldemort tried to kill harry and gave him the scar. Harry is the marked one not neville.

    In 2 weeks time we will all know for sure.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Ehhhh, what does SHE know, she only wrote the thing....

    hmm, another pet theory shot down....

  • Mariusuk.

    Rowling is likely to kill off HP as she will not want any other books springing up

  • Mary
    Harry survives, Voldemort is destroyed, a "comedy relief character" finishes the series as a tragic hero, and Rowling can't be accused of coming up with a cheap trick to resolve the story.

    Good theory, but I'll wage dollars to donuts that she kills both Voldemort AND Harry off. Harry will probably die sacrificing himself for everyone else but will manage to kill Voldemort in the process. Although given the twists and turns in the previous 6 books, I can see her toying with the idea of having the bumbling Neville Longbottom, turn out to be a hero. I think the main reason why she'll have Harry killed off, is so that, in her words, there can't be any sequels. It's kind of silly though as she has copyright on the books for what-----60 or 100 years? That's why there wasn't a sequel to Gone With the Wind for 60 years----Margaret Mitchell died not too many years after the movie came out, and they had to wait for the copyright to expire.

    I can see a couple of things happening: At the end of book 6, Snape kills Dumbledore. I can see her having that whole thing as a set-up and perhaps Dumbledore isn't really dead----it was done to throw Voldemort off. Or, if it wasn't a set up, I hope she has Neville kill Snape as the poor kid was terrified of him throughout.

    And then, they could have a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses coming knocking at the doors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and start bible studies and convert the whole lot of them. Voldemort becomes President of the WTB&TS, along with Professor Snape and Lucius Malfoy.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I like your theories mary. Having neville kill snape would be a very satisfying end to the old potions master. Voldemort as a GB...perhaps not far from reality.

  • looking_glass

    Actually the Neville theory has been out there for a while. If you do a google search, there is a site I believe called (or something like that) where tons of people have researched and gone thru the HP books and chronicled everything. They strike down the Neville theory based on what the earlier posted stated about the "mark".

    According to the writer she wants to end the book so there are no chances of it coming back. So I think those that believe both will die may very well be correct.

    I do wonder if she will do prequels involving Harry's parents considering she has woven tibbits into her stories and it would be a way for her to bring back the story line, just with different characters that we are familiar with.

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