God must really hate me

by crazy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazy

    Well, I listened to all your advice and thought I was starting to move on, but I have just found out he has met someone else and my whole world has fallen apart again. I haven't even told my son we have split up. He is still waiting for him to come home from work! I think I have screwed my son up totally. He cries and is clingy and doesn't want to go to nursery, which he used to love. I have got an old friend texting me who I knew years ago when I was at school. He wants to come to my church and I think he likes me, but his girlfriend is expecting his baby in December. I am still so much in love with my ex-JW ex and I can't let go.

  • purplesofa

    Dump those dudes

    Take good care of your child first.

    Look after yourself and give yourself time to heal and grow.

    Allow yourself to LOVE YOU.


  • changeling

    I agree with purps. Throw yourself into your child for awhile. Take time off from relashionships and do some thinking and growing. And remember, happiness comes from "within", you can't depend on others to make you happy(that includes god).

  • emptywords

    the fact that this xjw seems only to care for himself not thinking of you're child and the emotional turmoil this can create, all the insecurity, doesn't that tell you something about who this person is.

    Think of you're child first, if you don't you will later live to regret it and will cause so much heartache for both.

    Give this looser the flick and think of the big picture, love and secrutity for youre child.

  • ex-nj-jw

    If you put your time and energy into you child you can undue what may have already been done. Your chilld comes first even before yourself. Once you have your child stable and learn to love yourself,then you should try to find someone who loves you, and will appreciate you as a person.


  • nvrgnbk

    Fast-forward 5 or 10 years. That should give you some clarity crazy.

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